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    Title: 泰國軍方媒體與公衆形象的演變(2002-2017)
    The Change of Thai Military Image in Media and in Public (2002 – 2017)
    Authors: 梁慧雅
    Prachusilpa, Yanisa
    Contributors: 孫采薇
    Sun, Tsai-Wei
    Prachusilpa, Yanisa
    Keywords: 媒體
    Military image
    Public perception
    Civil-military relations
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-02 16:34:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 泰國軍隊在泰國社會中發揮著重要作用。長期以來泰國軍隊享有良好的聲譽。但是,政治干預對軍事的形像也有影響。媒體代表為中等的溝通媒介,並將媒體框架給公眾。媒體提供了對公眾的看法和軍事影響很大。本研究旨在研究媒體可以通過媒介框架塑造軍事的形象。內容分析方法被應用在本研究中。 2002至2017年期間Thairath報的總共6,220篇文章被分為正中面敘述和負面的敘述,為了檢查每個時期的語調敘述。主要新聞內容明確了解媒體如何描寫軍隊。研究結果表明,泰國新聞報導中的敘述和對軍隊的信任並非常一致。
    The military plays a significant role in Thai society. It has also enjoyed a good public reputation for a long time. The military image has been portrayed by the media. The media represent as a medium for communication and framing the news to the audience. The media provide a strong influence on public perception toward the military. This research aimed to examine how the media shape the military image through media framing. The content analysis approach was applied in this research. The total amount of 6,220 articles from Thairath newspaper during 2002-2017 were categorized into a positive-neutral narrative and a negative narrative to examine the tones of narratives in four periods. The main news contents were clarified to understand how the media portray the military. A result of the study shows that the narratives in Thairath news coverage and the trust in the military are highly correspondence.
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