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    題名: 虛擬化身影響自我?探討虛擬實境遊戲中,置入廣告與虛擬化身一致性之廣告效果
    Virtual avatar influence me? Virtual reality in-game advertising effect: The congruity between in-games avatar and advertising
    作者: 王睿
    Wang, Jui
    貢獻者: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Wang, Jui
    關鍵詞: 廣告與虛擬化身一致性
    AD-avatar congruity
    Virtual reality
    VR advertising
    In-game advertising
    Product placement
    日期: 2018
    上傳時間: 2018-08-01 17:01:55 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 虛擬實境技術在近年來越趨成熟,且相關應用和遊戲體驗也逐漸豐富多元,讓虛擬實境成為了遊戲置入廣告(in-game advertising)的新興媒介。
    本研究依據過去廣告遊戲(advergame)、遊戲置入廣告(in-game advertising)中的廣告與遊戲一致性(ad/game congruity)概念為理論基礎,開創性的將此概念延伸,探討虛擬實境媒介脈絡中,虛擬化身(avatar)與廣告的一致性,定義為廣告與虛擬化身一致性(ad/avatar congruity),探討廣告與虛擬化身一致性高低,是否會對於參與者的廣告效果有所影響。另外,本研究也探討在虛擬環境中,廣告置入的位置,如位於中央視覺位置,與邊陲視覺位置,是否也會如過去遊戲置入廣告般,對於閱聽人之廣告效果有顯著影響。本研究以2(廣告與虛擬化身一致性:一致性高;一致性低)× 2(廣告位置:中央視覺;邊陲視覺)的二因子之受試者間實驗設計,探討操弄變項對於應變項廣告效果(廣告注意力、廣告記憶力、廣告態度、購買意願)之影響。
    Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology with a variety of potential benefits for many aspects of gaming and advertising effect. Nowadays, many technology companies like HTC VIVE and Facebook Oculus announce their brand new all in one VR devices. It makes more people can buy a VR device with an affordable price. That is to say, VR will be a unique media for the in-game advertising.
    This article based on the past researches of advergame and in-game advertising, using the concept of "ad-game congruity" to establish the new concept of the avatar in VR. "Ad-avatar congruity" is defined in this article as the congruity between the advertising in the VR game and the avatar. This article wants to comprehend whether the congruity of avatar and advertising will influence the attention, recall, attitude toward the advertising and the purchase intention of the product. Besides, the proximity of the product placement will also be an independent variable, and the self-concept of the avatar will be a mediator variable.
    A 2 (congruity) × 2 (proximity) between-subjects design experiment was used. And the result shows that there is no significant difference in advertising effect between high and low ad-avatar congruity. However, when the advertising at the focal placement (high proximity) will have the better attention, recall and purchase intention then the peripheral placement (low proximity). In addition, the proximity of the ad placement is the moderator between congruity and purchase intention. But, self-concept doesn`t be the mediator between congruity and any ad effect.
    This study is aimed at discussing the reasons why there is no significant difference between the ad-avatar congruity and the advertising effect and provides theoretical and practical suggestions for the future research of virtual reality advertising effects.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464043
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.014.2018.F05
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