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    题名: 自尊與情境對求助意願之影響
    Exploring the effect of self-esteem and help-seeking context on individual’s willingness to seek help
    作者: 楊濟瑋
    Yang, Ji-Wei
    贡献者: 孫蒨如
    Sun, Chien-Ru
    Yang, Ji-Wei
    关键词: 自尊
    Threat to self-esteem model
    Burden context
    日期: 2018
    上传时间: 2018-08-01 16:36:50 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   他人的協助或支持是一項有助於個體因應困難與壓力的社會資源,然而他人並非總會主動提供協助,因此許多時候個體需要主動尋求他人的幫忙。過去探討自尊與主動求助行為的文獻多是採用「自我威脅」的框架看待求助行為,相對忽略了高、低自尊個體若是在會造成他人負擔的情境中,求助意願是否會有不同的差異。近年來有研究發現自尊與一個人是否認為自己值得遭遇到好事或好的對待有關,因此本研究假設當個體在求助情境中考慮到對他人的負擔時,高自尊者會因相信自己更值得接受他人幫助,而導致比低自尊者有較高的求助意願。我們執行兩個研究檢驗上述假設,研究一採用腳本情境實驗法,探討高、低自尊者在兩種情境中之求助意願差異,以及應得信念的中介效果,120名參與者被隨機分派閱讀威脅情境腳本或負擔情境腳本,隨後測量其求助意願。研究一結果發現高低自尊者在閱讀不同情境腳本後的求助意願並無顯著差異,應得信念也都沒有產生中介效果。研究二改採實驗室實驗法提高情境真實性,80名參與者被隨機分派至2 (自尊操弄:高vs.低)  2 (求助情境:威脅情境vs.負擔情境) 受試者間設計。透過操弄個體的自尊以及面臨的求助情境,觀察其對求助意願的影響,以及應得信念在不同情境中的中介效果。研究二結果大致符合本研究的預期,自尊在威脅情境中對求助意願沒有影響,但在負擔情境中高自尊者則展現出較高的求助意願。而調節中介模型的分析結果顯示,應得信念在威脅情境中沒有出現顯著的中介效果,但在負擔情境中,自尊則透過應得信念的中介對求助意願產生影響。
    Previous research proposed that asking for help might be a symbol of lacking abilities for individuals with high self-esteem, and thus they are less likely to seek help from others. However, other studies suggested that feeling of taxing others’ resources might also be the reason which prevents people from seeking help. Recent research about self-esteem indicated that self-esteem is related to the belief of deservingness, which refers to one’s belief about whether he / she deserves good (bad) outcomes. Putting these together, the main purpose of this research is to examine the influence of self-esteem and different situation contexts on people’s willingness to seek help.

    In Study 1, 120 participants were measured their self-esteem and then randomly assigned to read either a self-threatening help seeking scenario (called “threatening context”)or a burden-to-other help seeking scenario (called “burden context”). The results showed no interaction effect, that is, high or low self-esteem didn’t have different influence on willingness to help in different conditions, and there was no mediation effect of deservingness was found.

    In Study 2, a true experiment was conducted to create stronger impact. 80 participants were randomly assigned to 2 (self-esteem: high vs. low) 2 (help-seeking context: threatening vs. burden) experimental conditions. The results indicated that participants with high self-esteem were significantly more willing to seek help from others in the burden context than in the threatening context, and mediation analysis also showed that belief of deservingness mediated the effect of self-esteem on the willingness of help-seeking in the burden context but not in the threatening context. Research limits and future implications were also discussed.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103752012
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.012.2018.C01
    显示于类别:[心理學系] 學位論文


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