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    Title: 雲端健康資料運用策略之研究-以健康存摺(My Health Bank)創新應用為例
    A Study of MediCloud Application Strategies -An Example of the Innovative Application of “My Health Bank”
    Authors: 張鈺旋
    Chang, Yu-Hsuan
    Contributors: 季延平
    Chang, Yu-Hsuan
    Keywords: 健康存摺
    My health bank
    Cloud-Health data
    National health insarance
    Data governance
    Public private partnership
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-01 16:28:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國全民健保成為國人滿意度最高之一的公共政策,如何運用雲端的健保資料提供民眾完整健康資訊,利於國人自我管理健康?而我國醫療與資訊發展具有良好條件,如何有效應用而利於我國雲端健康相關產業發展?這些背景之關鍵,乃於雲端健康資料之運用,本研究即以此為研究動機。因此,本研究以我國健保署對雲端健康資料運用之健康存摺為個案,藉此瞭解運用雲端健康資料的情形、發展、挑戰、效益等,以深入掌握雲端健康資料運用之要項、方向與注意等策略議題。
    順應巨量資料(Big data)趨勢的分析與應用,期待健康資料之整合開放,使民眾瞭解個人健康資訊,能夠實現「自我健康管理」,且於看診時可提供醫師即時參考,解決重複就醫情形並兼顧用藥安全問題。因此,除了對個案的探討,本研究亦投入雲端健康資料與各國健康資料管理等文獻探討,以更有利於雲端健康資料運用策略的提出。最後,一則提出雲端健康資料運用策略,並提出健保資料庫豐富完整,其整合開放可促民眾自我健康管理,且有助我國智慧醫療產業發展之結論;二則提出對於雲端健康資料的運用,必須納入多元的社會對話機制並考量個人資料去識別化及資安控管之建議。
    Taiwan’s NHI program is one of the public policies that have the highest degree of satisfaction. As NHI develops through time and technology, how to use cloud-health-data to provide complete health information with our people and how to promote health industries development for our country become important issues. The answer to the questions is related to cloud-health-data application strategies that NHIA is now promoting, which is the motivation of this research.
    My Health Bank is a case to explore the using situation, challenge, advantages of cloud-health-data. Due to the application and analysis of Big Data, it is expected that the integration and opening of health data will enable the public to understand personal health information and achieve “self-health management”, and provide doctors with instant reference during the visit to solve repeated medical treatment and to ensure drug safety. In addition to the case study of My Health Bank, this research also involves literature review of cloud-health-data management in other countries to build cloud-health-data applicacloud-health-data. In summary, the integration and open of cloud-health-data promote “self-health management” to our people and local health-related industries. Also, the application of cloud-health–data must consider multiple opinion and social dialogue, and further enforce information security and control.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932186
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.039.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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