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    Title: 體驗式旅遊平台之再購意圖實證研究
    The empirical research of repurchase intention in the experiential tourism platform
    Authors: 王耀德
    Wang, Yao-Ter Owen
    Contributors: 蔡瑞煌

    Wang, Yao-Ter Owen
    Keywords: 設計科學
    Design science
    Service encounter
    Repurchase intention
    User experience
    Matching platform
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-01 16:24:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 觀光產業已經從傳統旅行社走向電子商務,加上近年來旅遊的趨勢開始走向自由行及體驗型態的模式,故旅遊的行程內容都需要安排及訂製,一般旅行社已無法滿足旅客需要,所以體驗式旅遊服務的需求未被滿足,若此時市場上能夠出現媒合旅客及提供體驗式旅遊的專家之平台,將可彌補此缺口。因此本研究採用設計科學進行研究,從商業模式分析至系統開發與實做,至發展模型並進行驗證,以確認所發展的體驗式旅遊平台滿足市場需求,使得消費者願意再次回來平台購買遊程服務。
    透過學術文獻的理論回顧,本研究設計了概念性驗證模型,來探討消費者的再購意圖。研究結果發現使用者體驗(UX,user experience)以及服務接觸(service encounter)都分別對使用者滿意度造成影響,本研究使用者滿意度分為對平台的滿意度以及對服務的滿意度,且對平台的滿意度亦會影響對服務的滿意度,同時這兩個滿意度都會影響消費者的再購意圖。
    The tourism industry has transformed from traditional travel agency to e-commerce. In recent years, tourism shows a trend of self-service traveling and experience type. Hence, the contents of traveling need to be arranged and planned in advance. Under this circumstance, traditional travel agency cannot satisfy tourists’ demands, and thus the demand of experience tourism service is still waiting to be met. If there is a platform that can match tourists and professional travel guides who are able to provide experience tours in the market, such gap can be filled. Therefore, this research adopted design science to make a research from business model analysis to system development and practical operation, and then to develop and verify the model so as to confirm if the developed experience tourism platform can meet market demand and attract consumers to repurchase tour service on the platform.
    Through literature review, this research designs a model of proof of the concept to explore consumers’ repurchase intention. The research results discovered that both user experience (UX) and service encounter have an influence on user satisfaction. This research classifies user satisfaction into platform satisfaction and service satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction on platform will affect the service satisfaction, and both kinds of satisfactions will influence consumers’ repurchase intention.
    The research results can provide a reference for start-up companies. Using this model will start new business effectively and reduce the failure rate. When e-commerce platform involves service staffs in the field, the findings of this research can be referred. There are three major points that should be brought to the forefront in service encounters. Improving consumers’ satisfaction on service through satisfying their needs can produce the adhesion of customers so as to attract them to repurchase on the platform, which will also generate the word-of-mouth effect, and achieve business benefits.
    Additionally, this research also provides a methodology derived from design science. Taking design science as the main axis, this thesis finds out the market gap via business analysis, develops a new business model, and designs a system based on this new business model. This research also combines theory studies on internet platform and service. Through adopting the perspective of service encounter, this research extents e-commerce to the service field related with people and can provide a reference for service platform researchers to make further studies.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101356505
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.MIS.011.2018.A05
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