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Title: | 我國推動女性參與勞動市場政策之探討 A Study on the Policies of Promoting Women` s Participation in the Labor Market in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳曼翎 Chen, Man-Ling |
Contributors: | 成之約 Cheng, Zhi-Yue 陳曼翎 Chen, Man-Ling |
Keywords: | 女性勞動參與 工作與生活平衡 家庭假 彈性工作 托育政策 長照政策 Women labor force participation Work-life balance Family leave Flexi-work Childcare policy Eldercare policy |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-30 15:01:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國於2018年3月進入高齡社會,高齡社會帶來的衝擊其中一項為勞動力短缺,而我國女性勞動參與率僅5成,勞動力的缺口可以透過提高女性勞動參與率補足,然而傳統母職天賦的傳統價值觀仍存在現今的社會中,造成女性必須兼顧工作與家庭,因此創造一個友善以及工作與生活平衡的勞動市場,才能使女性不因為家庭而成為非勞動力之一,進而解決我國可能面臨的勞動短缺的問題。
關鍵字:女性勞動參與、工作與生活平衡、家庭假、彈性工作、托育政策、長照政策 Taiwan has been entering to an aging society in March, 2018, and it has impacted on the shortage of labor force. Moreover, the female labor participation rate only account for 50%. The shortage of the labor force can be made up through enhancing the female participation in the labor market. However, the traditional values of motherhood still exist in the current society and contribute to make females have to balance work and family. Therefore, it is important to create a friendly and balanced environment to solve problems of the shortage of labor force.
The thesis utilized the document analysis and in-depth interview methods. Firstly, through the document analysis, it would collect the growth and decline of the female labor participation rate, the situation of the employment, and the promotion of female participated employment, which including laws, policies, the work-life balance policy, care policies in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore. Moreover, the thesis would analyze the direction and implementation of female employment. Secondly, apply in-depth interview method to interview the promoters of work-life balance policy, 30+ years old labors who have children, and one official of the Ministry of Labor. The thesis will organize and illuminate Taiwan work-life balance policy’s contents and viewpoints, the situations and problem of implementation, future directions ,the implementation in the separate industry, the work-life balance policy from the promoters in enterprise, labors, and an official to give advises which also take it as reference.According to the in-depth interview, it will analyze the difficult and problem in practice. Moreover, it will refer to the document analysis and give the advice for the government’s policy.
Advises of labor law: According to Article 19 of Gender Equality in Employment Act, labor who takes care of children under 3 years old can ask employers to shorten their working hours. However, it’s hard to implement in practice. In order to strengthen the willing of employer to work, this thesis suggests that it could learn from Japan subsidizing the company who shorten working hours. Moreover, period of Maternity leave should be longer and Family take care leave can pay a certain percentage of salary. Furthermore, the policy of parental leave can take reference from Korea, which let the labors can shorten the working hours during the period of parental leave to work and get a part of welfare at the same time.
Advises of work-life balance policy: Formulate a long-tern target and evaluate it by quantification, implement the certification mark of work-life balance policy, make work-life balance policy more flexible and time-based, and the awards of work-life balance policy should list and complement different criterions for separated industries.
Advises of care policies: This study would indicate that the childcare policies of Taiwan could take Japan’s implementations, the small regional facilities and enterprise facilities as consideration. In addition, the limitation of the place of childcare subsidy could integrate neighbor counties. Furthermore, the qualification of long-term care can lower the age and focus on prevention.
Keywords: Women Labor Force Participation, Work-Life Balance, Family Leave, Flexi-Work, Childcare Policy, Eldercare Policy |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 104262014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104262014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LR.005.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [勞工研究所] 學位論文
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