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    Title: 刑事被告於審判中自行辯護權之研究
    A Study on Criminal Defendant’s Right to Proceed pro se at Trial
    Authors: 黃映潔
    Huang, Ying-Chieh
    Contributors: 許恒達
    Hsu, Heng-Da
    Huang, Ying-Chieh
    Keywords: 自行辯護
    Proceed pro se
    the Right to defense
    Compulsory defense
    Non-compulsory defense
    Standby counsel
    Judicial fairness
    the Right of access to court files
    the Right to apply for survey evidence
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-30 15:00:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國審判中辯護,可分為「強制辯護案件」與「非強制辯護案件」,前者,需有辯護人在場始得進行審判之規範,已造成實務上被告與法院之衝突,於學理上亦有可議;後者則係辯護人縱未在場,審判程序並無違法,但被告自行辯護的情況,是否有足夠能力行使訴訟防禦權、辯護制度所欲實現保障被告之意旨能否實現,皆有疑慮,本文即以「閱卷權」與「聲請調查證據權」為探討,說明自行辯護被告於非強制辯護案件中遇到的難題。細究我國審判中辯護制度何以存有上開問題,係因有將「辯護權」與「辯護人」畫上等號之嫌,即認為被告辯護權的行使須仰賴辯護人始能達成,然而此毋寧忽視了辯護權係源於被告本人主體性地位而生,辯護權主體應為「被告」而非「辯護人」,故被告的意思應予以尊重,被告本人才是辯護權的核心,辯護制度的意義或目的,皆應以被告為出發而進行思考。


    In Taiwan, the defense system in trial can be divided into “ Cases of Mandatory Required Representation by Defense Counsel ” and “ Cases of Non-mandatory Required Representation by Defense Counsel ”. The former case, the legal rule that the trial can`t be conducted unless there is a defense counsel, has caused conflicts between defendants and courts in practice, and arises some theoretical debates in the academic community. The latter case, even if the defense counsel fail to appear, the trial is still procedurally legal. However, given a pro se defendant situation, it is doubtful that whether there is sufficient ability to exercise the right to defense and whether the defense system’s goal to achieve the protection of the defendant can be realized. This article intended to investigate “the right of access to court files” and “the right to apply for survey evidence “to illustrate the difficulties of pro se defendant in the cases of non-mandatory required representation by defense counsel. What have been the reasons which lead to the problematic condition from above in Taiwan criminal procedural system? It is because of the suspicion that “the right of defense” and “the defense counsel “ are considered equivalent, that is to say the defendant’s right to defense must be relied on the defense counsel, but this thought ignored the right of defense arises from the defendant’s own subjective status. The subject of the defense right should be the defendant and not the defense counsel. Therefore, the defendant’s will should be respected, and the defendant is the core of the right to defense. The meaning or purpose of the defense system should be based on the defendant’s consideration.

    Accordingly, this article refers to foreign legal system, from the point of view of the defendant as the main body of criminal litigation rights and substantive due process of law, it is concluded that the defendant should have the right to Proceed pro se. That is, the discretion for defendant himself or herself to choose what kind of method should be taken to defend in lawsuit and to make the best of it. Therefore, the defense counsel’s assistance can be refused in criminal proceedings and the defendant himself or herself can choose to defend themselves. There is no strong justification for excluding defendants to Proceed pro se from the cases of mandatory Required Representation by Defense Counsel. As long as the relevant requirements are well designed and system supported, the defendant`s autonomy shall be maximally respected. Furthermore, some fears such as the derogation of trial justice shall not exist any longer. Although it originally allows defendants to Proceed pro se in cases of Non-mandatory Required Representation by Defense Counsel, however, in these cases, the defendants are often in a weaker position than the prosecutor’s. In order to equalize the weapons in such cases, the role of the court should be moderated in favor of the defendant, and hence the position of the parties is fairly adjusted. Moreover, the rights legally granted to defendants to exercise, especially “the right of access to court files “ and “the right to apply for survey evidence ", should also be improved to meet the requirements of defendant’s right to Proceed pro se.

    Keywords: Proceed pro se, the Right to defense, Compulsory defense,
    Non-compulsory defense, Standby counsel, Subjectivity, Judicial
    fairness, the Right of access to court files, the Right to apply for
    survey evidence
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    七、 歐洲人權法院判決(依原告開頭字母排序)
    1.ECHR, Artico v. Italy, 13/05/1980, Appl. No. 6694/74.
    2.ECHR, Croissant v. Germany, 25/09/1992, Appl. no. 13611/88.
    3.ECHR, Foucher v. France, Reports 1997-II, 452.
    4.ECHR, Imbrioscia v. Switzerland, 24/11/1993, Appl. No. 13972/88.
    5.ECHR, Kamasinski v. Austria , 1989, Series A no. 168.
    6.ECHR, Kremzow v. Austria , 1993, Series A no. 268-B.
    7.ECHR, Lagerblom v. Sweden, 14/01/2003, Appl. no. 26891/95.
    8.ECHR, Matyjek v. Poland , 24/04/2007, Appl. no. 38184/03.
    9.ECHR, Öcalan v. Turkey, 12/05/2005, Appl. no. 46221/99.
    10.ECHR, Pakelli v. Germany, 25/04/1983, Appl. No. 8398/78.
    11.ECHR, Quaranta v. Switzerland, 24/05/1991, Appl. no. 12744/87.
    12.EComHR, Jespers v. Belgium, Decision of 15/10/1980, Appl. No. 8403/78.
    13.EComHR, Ofner v. Austria, 1962, Appl. no. 524/59.

    司法院,改良式當事人進行主義,詳參:http://www.judicial.gov.tw/work/work02/work02-01.asp ,最後瀏覽日: 2017 年 8 月 8 日。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104651048
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LAW.010.2018.F10
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