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    Title: Airbnb與周邊住宅價格及觀光型旅館收益關係之探討
    The Relationship of Airbnb and House Prices and Revenues of Tourist Hotels
    Authors: 曾懷萱
    Tseng, Huai-Hsuan
    Contributors: 林左裕
    Lin, Tso-Yu
    Tseng, Huai-Hsuan
    Keywords: 房價
    Housing prices
    Revenues of tourist hotels
    Hedonic price model
    Quantile regression model
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-27 12:36:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著共享經濟(sharing economy)的浪潮,Airbnb此種新創公司成為共享經濟體系下的產物,透過利用閒置、效率低落的資本商品,擺脫傳統產業經營模式以生成經濟價值,得到公眾的關注。Airbnb的立意良善,作為消費者和供應者之間的媒合中介,Airbnb減少了提供住房作為短期租賃的風險和成本,從而使房屋擁有者能夠靈活地參與住宅商品化的市場。
    With the prevalence of Sharing Economy, Airbnb, a start-up company, has become an evidence of Sharing Economy by using idle and inefficient capital goods to generate economic value. The intention of Airbnb is good. As a mediator between consumers and suppliers, Airbnb has reduced the costs of providing housing as a short-term leasing, so that homeowners can flexibly participate in the residential commercialized markets.
    Although the innovative experiences provided by Airbnb, under its high level of development, the world is still concerning about its negative issues, such as the economic and welfare problems in the residential markets or the survival of the local hotel industries. Therefore, this study uses ArcGIS to calculate the number of Airbnb in the distance of 1000 meters around the location of the houses, and measures the relationship between Airbnb and residential prices in Taipei City by Hedonic Price Model. On the other hand, the study also demonstrates the relationship between Airbnb and revenues of tourist hotels by Multiple Regression Model. In addition, the study investigates how much different influences on the relationship between Airbnb and low or high revenues of tourist hotels by Quantile Regression Model. The results point out that Airbnb has a positive and significant relationship with house prices; meanwhile, there is a negative and significant relationship between Airbnb and revenues of tourist hotels. Furthermore, the lower the revenues are , the greater negative and significant relationship between Airbnb and revenues of tourist hotels. This indicates that the short-term leasing practices of Airbnb have leveled up the affordability of the residential markets and competed seriously with lower class of tourist hotels. According to the results, the direction of future policy will be given in order to facilitate better solutions under Sharing Economy.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1052570191
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LE.007.2018.A05
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