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    Title: 從個人風險特質探討公務人員之創新行為 —以計畫行為理論為分析架構
    Understanding civil servants’ innovative behaviors from the perspective of individual risk propensity – using the Theory of Planned Behavior as the analytical framework
    Authors: 楊庭安
    Yang, Ting-An
    Contributors: 董祥開
    Yang, Ting-An
    Keywords: 政府創新
    Public sector innovation
    Civil servant
    Theory of Planned Behavior
    Risk propensity
    Non-financial incentive
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-27 12:28:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「創新」這個議題雖然在過去已有許多文獻討論,但研究場域多半是以私部門為主,鮮少有以公部門為背景的研究。再加上創新大多具有風險與不確定性,推測個人風險特質比起其他人格特質,對創新之行為決策的影響更為明顯,故本研究嘗試從個人風險特質的角度探討公務人員的創新意願與行為,並以計畫行為理論為分析架構,提供公部門的實證結果。本研究根據2017年第四期台灣文官調查(TGBS Ⅳ)的第二波調查資料,共計758份有效樣本,對我國公務人員進行研究。
    Although the topic of "innovation" has been discussed in many literatures, there were few studies discussing innovation in the public sector. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to explore the innovative behaviors of civil servants from the perspective of risk propensity by using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as the analytical framework. The study uses data collected from the 2017 Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey Ⅳ and there are 758 valid responses.
    The result showed that risk propensity, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and non-financial incentives had positive impact on civil servants` innovative intention. We also designed a situational question to measure innovative intention and found that only risk propensity and self-efficacy had positive impact on civil servants` innovative intention. Furthermore, the result also indicated that innovative intention and perceived behavioral control had positive impact on innovative behavior.
    Because risk propensity and self-efficacy can not be changed overnight, it is recommended that government should create a culture that encourages innovation and don’t fear of failure, so that civil servants can have more confidence and courage to engage in innovation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104256034
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PA.005.2018.F09
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