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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/118831

    Title: 資本弱化法規之嚴謹程度對於企業債務偏差改善的差異性分析
    The Differential Analysis in the Strictness of Thin Capitalization Rules for Improving Corporate Debt Bias
    Authors: 蔡依珊
    Tsai, Yi-Shan
    Contributors: 陳香梅
    Tsai, Yi-Shan
    Keywords: 資本弱化法規
    Thin capitalization rules
    Debt Bias
    Fixed ratio approach
    Earnings stripping rules
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-24 11:01:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業債務偏差的嚴重性,在近幾年被各界認定為財務不穩定的風險,此外增加的利息費用也造成國家稅基的侵蝕。為研究地主國資本弱化法規對於台灣跨國企業海外子公司債務偏差的影響,本文以縱橫資料(Panel Data)模型,研究2006至2015年間台灣上市櫃公司海外關係企業(排除金融保險業、F股及TDR)資料。相對於過去探討對於海外子公司資本弱化的文獻,僅著重於子公司負債的影響及其債務移轉行為,本文則研究海外關係企業的資本弱化,且首度加入衡量債務偏差嚴謹程度的指標變數,分別探討目前使用不同資本弱化法規(固定比率法和盈餘減除法)對於債務偏差的影響程度及企業的舉債行為。
    Tax planning favoring corporate debt financing over equity financing (debt bias) are widely recognized as a risk of financial stability. This paper examines the impact of thin capitalization rules that limit the debt bias of the foreign affiliates of Taiwanese multinationals. This study uses a new data that set on thin capitalization rules in 85 countries from Taiwanese listed companies at stock exchange market and over-the-counter market for the period 2006-2015. Recently, more and more papers focus on debt shifting about internal leverage between parent companies and subsidiaries. However, this research focus on how thin capitalization rules impact debt bias in all affiliates. And designs the strictness index of thin capitalization rules to test the corporate debt ratio and debt behavior.
    Three fixed-effect models in this paper are constructed by using unbalanced panel data. Model1 is to examine how thin capitalization rules affect debt bias of multinational affiliates. Model2 is to examine the corporate debt behavior that debt over equity ratio of multinational affiliates under the safe harbor ratio in host countries. And Model3 is to analyze how the strictness index of thin capitalization rules affect corporate debt bias. This paper finds that rules targeted at fixed ratio approach or earnings stripping rules can’t limit corporate debt bias effectively. But if the countries use fixed ratio approach and earnings stripping rules simultaneously, the thin capitalization rules have negative significant impact on corporate debt bias.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105255001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PF.010.2018.F07
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