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    Title: 破壞性創新的兩難:Netflix與Blockbuster個案研究
    The Disruption Dilemma:Case Study of Netflix and Blockbuster
    Authors: 劉冠麟
    Liu, Lawrence
    Contributors: 管康彥
    Liu, Lawrence
    Keywords: Netflix
    Video industry
    Business model
    Disruptive innovation
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-20 18:47:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 二十一世紀是科技加速的時代,科技創新的速度達到歷史上的新高點,而當科技出現重大變動時,市場領導企業很容易會被市場新進企業擊敗。本研究透過分析Netflix和Blockbuster這兩間企業,探討在二十一世紀科技加速世界中,破壞性創新對於市場領導者和市場新進者的影響。本研究透過四個研究問題以期達到研究目的,問題包括Netflix與Blockbuster的興衰過程、企業決策的關鍵點、Netflix有哪些關鍵的成功因素、市場領導者Blockbuster為何在競爭中被打敗、破壞性創新的因應之道等問題。
    本研究利用Charles Handy的S型曲線來綜觀Netflix與Blockbuster企業發展,了解不同階段兩間企業的發展趨勢,並利用Osterwalder & Pigneur所提出的商業模式圖對兩間企業的商業模式進行分析以了解兩間企業的營運獲利模式,最終結合Christensen破壞性創新理論的概念,探討破壞性創新對於兩間企業造成的影響。
    21 century is the era of technology innovation. When disruptive technology significantly alters the way business or entire industry operates, market leaders are easily defeated by the startups. Through analyzing the case of Netflix and Blockbuster, our research tries to find out how does disruptive innovation influence market leaders and startups? The study aims to achieve research purposes through four questions. What is the history of Netflix and Blockbuster? What makes Netflix succeed? What makes Blockbuster fail? How to deal with disruptive innovation?
    First, the study uses Charles Handy S-curve theory to go through the development of Netflix and Blockbuster in different stages. Second, the study uses Business Model Canvas created by Osterwalder & Pigneur to analyze the business model of Netflix and Blockbuster. Finally, the study combines the concepts from Christensen’s Disruptive Innovation theory to explain the case of Netflix and Blockbuster.
    The result of the study shows that the key to Netflix’s success lies in continuous innovation. The invention of DVD and online video streaming technology enabled the company to go through disruptive innovation. Besides, Netflix starts to produce original content since 2012. Continuous innovations keep the company be prosperous and sustainable. On the other hand, the failure of Blockbuster attributes to inability to adapt disruptive technology and a series of decision-making mistakes. For various reasons, Blockbuster was defeated by Netflix and eventually went bankrupt.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.044.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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