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Title: | 子女解讀父母管教在父母管教方式與子女內在運作模式間的中介效果研究 A research on the mediating effects of children`s interpretations of parenting between parenting practices and children`s internal working models |
Authors: | 黃右祺 Huang, Yu-Chi |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 傅如馨 黃右祺 Huang, Yu-Chi |
Keywords: | 子女解讀父母管教 父母管教方式 內在運作模式 中介效果 Children’s interpretation of parenting Parenting practice Internal working model Mediating effect |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-19 17:30:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在建立子女解讀父母管教之量化工具,以瞭解子女對父母管教解讀之具體內涵,同時探討子女解讀父母管教與父母管教方式及內在運作模式之關係,以及子女解讀在父母管教方式及內在運作模式之間的中介效果。 本研究採問卷調查法,使用自編的「善意關切解讀父母管教量表」與「權威控制解讀父母管教量表」,以及學者編製之「雙親教養態度量表中文版」及「內在運作模式量表」進行研究。本研究目標母群為台灣的大學生,採方便抽樣,回收464份有效樣本。所得資料以描述性統計、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、皮爾遜積差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究結果發現如下: 一、自編之「善意關切解讀父母管教量表」與「權威控制解讀父母管教量表」正式施測結果經驗證性因素分析,得出其模型適配度佳;且兩量表之內部一致性信度皆良好。此結果顯示兩量表為頗佳的測量工具。 二、本研究發現「父母關懷管教」與子女「善意關切解讀」呈現顯著正相關、與「權威控制解讀」呈現顯著負相關;「父母過度保護管教」與子女「善意關切解讀」具有顯著負相關、與「權威控制解讀」具有顯著正相關。 三、本研究發現「父母關懷管教」與子女「內在運作模式」呈現顯著正相關、「父母過度保護管教」與子女「內在運作模式」呈顯著負相關。 四、本研究發現子女「善意關切解讀」與其「內在運作模式」呈現顯著正相關;子女「權威控制解讀」與其「內在運作模式」呈顯著負相關。 五、本研究發現在「父母關懷管教」與子女「內在運作模式」之間,子女「善意關切解讀」具有部分中介的效果、「權威控制解讀」不具有中介效果;在「父母過度保護管教」與子女「內在運作模式」之間,子女「善意關切解讀」與「權威控制解讀」皆具有部分中介的效果。 綜上,父母關懷管教下,子女能解讀出善意;即使有權威控制的解讀,仍不會負向影響內在運作模式。然而,父母過度保護管教下,即使子女解讀出的父母善意能有所緩衝,管教本身與權威控制解讀仍會負面影響內在運作模式。根據結論,研究者提出相關建議,以供親職教育實務與未來研究做參考。 The purpose of this study was to develop measures of children’s interpretation of parenting, so as to understand the contents of their interpretation. Further, the study explored the relationships among children’s interpretation, parenting practice and children’s internal working model, as well as the medicating effect of children’s interpretation between parenting practice and their internal working model. The study adopted questionnaire survey as method, with tools including “Good Intention and Care Interpretation of Parenting Scale”, “Controlled by Power Interpretation of Parenting Scale”, which were developed in this study, as well as “Chinese Version of Parental Bonding Instrument”, and “Inventory of Internal Working Model”, which were developed by previous researchers. The target population of this study were university students in Taiwan, and convenient sampling was used to collect the data. Four hundred sixty-four valid samples were collected. Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The “Good Intention and Care Interpretation of Parenting Scale” and “Authority-Controlled Interpretation of Parenting Scale” went through confirmatory analysis, and good model fit was observed. Moreover, the scales had good internal consistency. The results reflected that both the scales were quite good measurements. 2. The results suggested that care parenting was positively associated with children’s good intention and care interpretation, yet negatively associated with their authority-controlled interpretation. Overprotection parenting was negatively associated with children’s good intention and care interpretation, but positively associated with their authority-controlled interpretation. 3. The results suggested that care parenting was positively associated with children’s internal working model, while overprotection parenting was negatively associated with children’s internal working model. 4. The results suggested that children’s good intention and care interpretation was positively associated with their internal working model, while their authority-controlled interpretation was negatively associated with their internal working model. 5. The results suggested that between care parenting and children’s internal working model, children’s good intention and care interpretation had partially mediating effect, but their authority-controlled interpretation did not have such effect between the two variables. On the other hand, between care parenting and children’s internal working model, both children’s good intention and care interpretation as well as their authority-controlled interpretation had partially mediating effect. In sum, under care parenting, children interpreted parenting as good intention. Even when they interpret parenting as being controlled by parental authority, it did not have negative impact on their internal working models. On the other hand, under overprotection parenting, even though children’s interpretation parenting as good intention behind it, their interpretation as controlled by parental power plus the parenting practice itself might render negative impact on their internal working models. Based on these conclusion, implications were provided for counselors and researchers related to parent education. |
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DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MPCG.007.2018.F01 |
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