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    Title: 創業精神與全球資金流動:引力實證模型應用
    Entrepreneurship and Global Capital Flows: A Gravity Model Approach
    Authors: 朱韻雯
    Chu, Yun-Wen
    Contributors: 童振源
    Chu, Yun-Wen
    Keywords: 創業精神
    Capital flows
    Panel data
    Gravity model
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-19 17:28:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 創業者依照市場驅動資源配置,創業精神在不同社會、文化及經濟架構條件,激盪出不同特性與態樣,並逐漸成為全球經濟整體發展重要要素。本研究以2003至2015年全球證券及直接投資之配對國家雙邊追蹤資料,運用引力模型,探討不同國家或經濟體形塑之個人態度、社會價值及創業活動等創業精神變數之影響。在研究方法方面,使用最小平方法及追蹤資料模型,主要實證結果,創業精神變數對於證券投資或直接投資等資金流動,均有顯著影響性,也就是創業精神對於資金流動具有吸引效果,並提出政府擬定提升創業精神政策或方案,應視政策目標性質或期間長短,以吸引適合資金型態等建議。
    Entrepreneurs allocate resources based on market-driven forces. The entrepreneurship takes on different features and forms varying with the conditions of different social, cultural and economic context, and it gradually becomes the vital element for global economic development. This research is based on the national bilateral panel data of global securities and direct investment from the year 2003 to 2015, and it uses the Gravity Model to explore the entrepreneurship factors, such as social values, individual attributes and entrepreneurial activity, that had taken shape in different countries or under different economic entities. In terms of research method, Ordinary Least Squares and Panel Data Modal is used. The primary empirical result shows that the entrepreneurship factors have significant impact on capital flows generated from sources such as securities investment or direct investment. In other words, entrepreneurship has the effect of attracting capital flows. This research also proposes that the government shall consider the nature of policy objectives or the length of duration when making strategies or policies in stimulating entrepreneurship so as to attract appropriate capital forms.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098261506
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.GIDS.003.2018.F09
    Appears in Collections:[國家發展研究所] 學位論文

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