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    Title: Twitch實況主直播動機探討
    The motivations behind Twitch Affiliate Streamers
    Authors: 朱利安
    Tirazona, Julian
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Tammy
    Tirazona, Julian
    Keywords: 直播
    Live streaming
    Video games
    Social Media
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-17 11:27:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: -
    Video game studies have been a widely researched area that continues to evolve. One such development is the emerging phenomenon of Twitch, which is driving millions of users to spectate live-streams of video games. This platform is a relatively new online streaming service and has facilitated an arena for spectators and streamers to create a strong online community. This thesis is a study of Twitch streamer motivation, in particular - motivations of Twitch Affiliate streamers.. Researching the motivations of live streamers and spectators is important because understanding whether a streamer is better motivated by monetary gains, community interaction or the enjoyment of video games lends itself to further understanding of how Twitch – and other streaming platforms – will develop in the future. This study took a qualitative approach using a Grounded Theory framework and one-on-one Online Text-Based Interviews. An evenly mixed group of male and female Twitch Affiliate Streamers were recruited to find any differences or similarities in motivations between men and women through a thematic analysis which coded interview transcripts. The research found the main motivations for male and female Twitch Affiliate streamers; community, intrinsic and extrinsic, and monetary. This information could prove useful to Twitch tv and other live-streaming companies to enhance their platforms by encompassing the motivations of why streamers decide to make use of their services.
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