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Title: | 商業銀行與P2P平台合作模式分析 Analysis on Cooperation Model between Commercial Banks and P2P Platforms |
Authors: | 曾靈 Tzeng, Lynn |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 曾靈 Tzeng, Lynn |
Keywords: | P2P借貸 合作模式 P2P lending Modality of cooperation |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-12 14:01:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著科技不斷創新,近年來互聯網的盛行,金融科技的崛起,逐漸形成新興的經濟模式,其中P2P借貸以去中介化之價值主張,透過網路平台媒合借貸雙方資金需求,並賺取服務費,這樣的交易模式在美國、歐洲以及中國皆有成功的案例,在各國迎向金融創新的同時,傳統銀行將無法忽視相關科技業者來勢洶洶的挑戰。
這種破壞式創新的方式改變消費者對於金融服務的期望,並使得傳統銀行不太重視的客群也能有機會獲得貸款服務,將促使現有業者進行變革來改善服務品質,重塑服務業的運作模式與版圖。然而傳統銀行與P2P借貸並非只存在競爭關係,透過資源以及雙方市場的互補,雙方亦有合作的可能性。本研究將從競合觀點以及動態競爭觀點出發,並加入各國法規等因素影響,探討Lending Club與宜人貸兩個平台個案與銀行之間的合作動機與合作型態,並分析彼此之間之差異,並從中觀察雙方是否藉由合作創造更大的效益,促成多方利害關係人共贏的局面。
除此之外,臺灣P2P借貸平台起步較晚,因此本研究亦從台灣法規環境出發,並從前述個案之分析給予臺灣傳統銀行與P2P業者合作之可行方向淺見,期許能幫助雙方在面對金融科技浪潮之來臨時,能做出更有利的決策。 As the development and improvement of network sci-tech, platform business models start to spring up .Peer-to-peer(P2P) lending is a method of debt financing that enables people to borrow and lend money without the use of an traditional official financial institution as an intermediary. Besides, P2P Lending has a more efficient application process when compared to traditional banks.
However, in order to make use of the competitive advantages from each other, some P2P lending platforms and banks build up the corporative relationship, and try to expand the market size and share the information. This research investigates how traditional banks be affected by P2P lending, the motivation of collaboration and analyzes their interaction during the process of collaboration based on the viewpoints of “co-opetition” and “competitive dynamics’’, also the factor of regulation is considered.in these parts. Finally, this research gives the advises to Taiwanese Fin-tech start-ups and banks for make the strategy in face of the wave of internet finance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 105364212 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364212 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.001.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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