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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/118615
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    Title: 領導者特質對威權領導的影響——績效導向組織文化價值觀之調節作用
    The Influence of Leaders’ Characteristics on Authoritarian Leadership—The Moderating Effect of Performance-oriented Organizational Cultural Value
    Authors: 陳翔
    Contributors: 林姿葶
    Keywords: 權威取向
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-12 14:00:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 威權領導是華人組織中最具特色的一種領導行為,對於威權領導過往的研究議題大多集中在結果變項,而對於威權領導的前置因素的部分的研究則較少,例如:領導者對部屬的情緒知覺、領導者的人格特質作為影響威權領導行為展現的主要因素。本研究基於特質誘發理論,探討領導者的人格特質與績效導向組織文化價值觀交互作用的結果,即透過主管權威取向、嚴謹性的人格特質與績效導向組織文化價值觀之間的相互作用下,誘發領導者的人格特質與威權領導的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法進行線上施測,對大陸各民營企業發放問卷218套,有效問卷136套。通過階層迴歸分析結果發現,權威取向不能有效預測專權領導、尚嚴領導行為的展現;而嚴謹性則可以負向預測專權領導行為,以及對尚嚴領導行為有正向的預測作用,並且績效導向組織文化價值觀對領導者人格特質與威權領導行為間並無調節作用效果。最後,針對本研究的主要研究發現與研究限制進行討論,並說明本研究之未來研究方向與管理實務意涵。
    Authoritarian leadership is one of the most distinctive leadership behaviors among Chinese organizations. The majority of the research on authoritarian leadership has focused on the outcome variables, and there are few studies on the antecedent factors of authoritarian leadership. For example, the leader`s emotional perception of the subordinates and traits of the leader are the main factors that influence the demonstration of authoritarian leadership behaviors. Based on the trait activation theory, this study explores the interaction between traits of leaders and the performance-oriented organizational cultural value, that is, the interaction between the authoritarian-oriented, consciousness traits and the relationships between the traits of leaders and authoritarian leadership under the interaction of performance-oriented organizational cultural value. In this study, a questionnaire survey was used to conduct site surveys, and 218 questionnaires were distributed to private enterprises in the mainland China, and 136 valid questionnaires were collected. Through hierarchical regression analysis it has been found that authoritarian orientation cannot effectively predict discipline-focused authoritarian leadership and dominance-focused authoritarian leadership; consciousness can negatively predict dominance-focused authoritarian leadership, and have a positive predictive effect on discipline-focused authoritarian leadership, and performance-oriented organizational cultural value has no moderate effect on authoritarian-orientation and consciousness. Finally, the main research findings and research limitations of this study are discussed, and the future research directions and management practices of this study are explained.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105752024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.004.2018.C01
    Appears in Collections:[心理學系] 學位論文

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