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    Title: 歐盟與美國有關雲端運算產業從事跨境資料傳輸法制之比較研究
    A comparative study on EU and US data protection laws governing transatlantic data flow services by cloud computing industry
    Authors: 紀珮宜
    Chi, Pei-I
    Contributors: 楊培侃
    Yang, Pei-Kan
    Chi, Pei-I
    Keywords: 資料保護規範
    Data protection regulation
    Privacy shield framework
    Right to privacy
    Cross-border data flow
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-10 16:17:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,雲端運算科技快速發展,對企業的營運模式帶來巨大改變,快速成長的歐盟市場則成為美國大型雲端業者積極爭取進入的目標。對雲端運算產業而言,資料的自由傳輸為服務提供的必要條件,但資料傳輸的過程中涉及個人資料及隱私之保護,歐盟和美國在此議題上立場與看法的差異成為雲端運算業者市場進入的主要障礙。另外,在2018年歐盟通過更為嚴格的資料保護規則,將雲端運算業者納入規範範圍,增加企業保護資料之義務,使得雲端運算業者成本增加。而針對跨大西洋的資料跨境傳輸,根據歐盟之規範,僅有達到與其相同保護水準之第三國得以將資料跨境傳輸到該國。而傳統美國公司所使用的傳輸途徑包含資料主體同意、標準化契約條款及企業內部約束規則皆未能有效提供雲端產業在進行大量且重複性的資料傳輸時所需要的法律依據。因此多數雲端業者皆使用歐盟與美國為跨大西洋資料傳輸所共同發展出來的跨境傳輸協議──隱私屏障協議作為跨境傳輸的基礎。
    In recent years, Cloud Computing has developed rapidly, and has brought big changes in the management model of enterprises. The fast-growing European market becomes the battlefield that all the American large cloud-computing providers aggressively try to get in. For the cloud computing, transferring data without limit is the essential condition in providing services; however, inevitably, the transferring process involves the issue of personal data and privacy protection. The EU and America hold different opinions over this issue, and the differences are the main barriers that prevent cloud-computing providers from entering the European market. In addition, the EU passed a more stringent rule, the Data Protection Regulation, in 2018, and covered the cloud-computing providers by imposing the obligation of protecting data on the enterprises. As for the transatlantic-data flow, according to the EU law, only the country who has the same level of personal data protection is allowed to transfer the data across the border. In this case, the majority of cloud-computing providers adopt the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, a cross-border data transfers agreement specifically designed for the transatlantic-data flow by the EU and America, as their key foundation. In view of this, this thesis analyzed the content of EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, and concluded that this agreement requires more obligations for the enterprises, which are handling data, than the previous Safe Harbor Framework agreement, while it also gives the data subject more rights to ensure privacy. Nevertheless, this thesis believes that this agreement is still insufficient to meet the EU’s standard of data privacy protection. Therefore, it is suggested that both parties, the EU and America, should renegotiate the approaches that prevent personal privacy from being compromised by mass surveillance and data collection and provide affected individual with effective legal resorts to remedy damage, with the aim of avoiding the legal risk of EU-US Privacy Shield Framework being determined invalid in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053510193
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.015.2018.F06
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