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    题名: 商業銀行以授信業務優勢強化財富管理競爭力之研究-以授信企業、業主及接班人需求為核心
    Commercial Banks Strengthen Wealth Management Business Competitiveness with Credit Advantage
    作者: 丘紘昱
    Chiu, Hung-Yu
    贡献者: 彭金隆
    Chiu, Hung-Yu
    关键词: 企業授信
    Corporate credit
    Wealth management
    Family-owned business
    日期: 2018
    上传时间: 2018-07-10 15:34:52 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 我國金融機構之發展歷程是以企業授信業務為起始,逐步成長至各項個人金融授信業務如房貸、信貸,信用卡等。而隨著金融環境的變遷,逐漸轉向以財富管理為銀行業務主力。歷經一段期間後,民營銀行財富管理業務之營收貢獻逐漸轉為其經營重心。而公股銀行經年累月多以企業授信往來為主;若以客戶經營策略來看,企業主及企業第二代之個人財富管理相關資產配置規劃則多委由民營銀行規劃。
    The development history of Taiwan`s financial institutions began with the corporate credit business and gradually grew to various consumer credit services such as mortgages, credit, credit cards, etc. With the changes in the financial environment, banks gradually turned to wealth management as the main business. The revenue contribution from the wealth management business of private banks has gradually turned into a business focus, while government banks have been relying focus on corporate credit. Business owners and their second generation prefer to appoint private banks for wealth management planning.
    In an environment of rapidly changing interest rates and demographic structure, financial institutions are striving to promote wealth management business to increase other sources of income. It accelerated the rise of the wealth management business. At the meantime, many companies are faced with the problem of succession, and government banks are faced with the problem of familiarity with corporate successors. With financial technology being digitized and complicated, the upper and the next generation may be in touch with financial institutions with different characteristics. The financial institutions which were familiarized and trusted by corporate successors may often be private banks instead of government banks. Therefore, this study will explore how the government banks, whichever assisting corporate financial scheduling and financing needs, can find out the continuation service model through analysis of customer demand and customer management strategies.
    The study found that the most important business direction for government banks is to provide various wealth management project plans for the corporate employees and increase their reliance on banks. When owners adjust their corporate lending banks, they will consider the need for employee wealth management and reduce their motivation. In additionally, strengthening the planning of wealth management businesses for corporate owners should focus on the asset transfer business. This will not only deepen the trust of corporate owners and credit banks, but also provide customers with better understanding and more suitable credit conditions of the company`s credit extension.
    While deepening the wealth management business, it will not only could maintain the stable opportunities for corporate credit business of bank, but also foster the relationship with the company`s successors. It is conducive to assisting enterprises to pass on planning and increase the opportunities for banks to continue to communicate with the company. Achieve the sustainable operation of corporate and the stable profit opportunities of the bank, which create the win-win results of corporate, owner and the bank.
    參考文獻: 中文文獻
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932171
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.019.2018.F08
    显示于类别:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文




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