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    Title: 比特幣與匯率、股市及景氣關聯性之研究
    The research of the relationship among Bitcoin, exchange rates, stock markets and economy
    Authors: 洪詩婷
    Hung, Shih-Ting
    Contributors: 鄭宇庭
    Cheng, Yu-Ting
    Hung, Shih-Ting
    Keywords: 比特幣
    Unit test
    Co-integration test
    Granger causality test
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:38:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2008年金融海嘯為全球帶來衝擊,比特幣的出現解決人民不信任政府之問題,但其暴漲暴跌之特性卻為投資人帶來極大的風險及不安定感,虛擬貨幣正逐漸改變我們既有的貨幣體系及支付系統,如何看待虛擬貨幣已是不容忽視之議題。本研究目的為分析比特幣議題在台灣之發展情況,並探討在研究期間美元兌比特幣與重要經濟變數間之關聯性,以期提供投資人擬定投資決策的參考準則。
    A financial crisis exploded around the world in 2008. At the same time, the Bitcoin was launched by Satoshi Nakamoto and solved the problem that people distrusted the government. However, price instability brings risks and uncertainty to investors. Virtual currencies have been transforming the existing monetary systems and payment methods. Consequently, we should place importance on the issue about how to treat virtual currencies. The purpose of this research isn’t only to analyze the development of the Bitcoin in Taiwan but investigate the relationships between Bitcoin and economic variables. We expect to help investors develop appropriate investment strategies.
    The research period is from 2013 to 2017. In our empirical analysis, we apply unit test, co-integration test and Granger causality test to examine the relationships. The result of unit test shows that all research variables are nonstationary and become stationary after first difference. Through co-integration test, we find that the Bitcoin price bears the long-run equilibrium relationship with the exchange rate of Japanese yen, Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Liv-ex 50 Fine Wine Index. Moreover, we build the VECM to evaluate the short-run dynamic relationships. Granger causality test is used to investigate whether the Bitcoin price bears the lead-lag relations to other variables. The result shows that the Bitcoin price has the causality between NK225 and S&P Global Luxury Index.
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    三、 網路資源
    1. Bitcoin price and volume, from https://bitcoinity.org/
    2. Federal Reserve Economic Data, from https://fred.stlouisfed.org/
    3. Financial, Economic and Alternative Data, from https://www.quandl.com/
    4. S&P Dow Jones Indices, from https://us.spindices.com/
    5. Yahoo Finance–Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News, from https://finance.yahoo.com/
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363080
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.002.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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