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    Title: 地緣經濟稟賦與經濟威壓:俄國對烏克蘭兩次天然氣制裁事件之比較
    Geoeconomic Endowment and Economic Coercion: A Comparative Analysis of Russian Sanctions on Ukraine in 1993 and 2006
    Authors: 王彥章
    Contributors: 何思因
    Keywords: 地緣經濟稟賦
    Geoeconomic endowment
    Economic sanction
    Asymmetric interdependence
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-06-01 18:11:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 小國貿易不對稱依賴大國未必讓小國處於弱勢地位,然而如果大國也能夠掌握小國的能源流動的話,大國就比較可能成功的以經濟制裁威逼小國讓步。本文從地緣經濟稟賦理論與國家控制理論的角度,比較1993年與2005年前後俄國與烏克蘭的能源貿易過程,發現俄國政府在2005年相對1993年更能控制烏克蘭的天然氣貿易,一方面因為俄國政府較有效控制Gazprom,另一方面也因為俄國與土庫曼簽訂長期天然氣貿易契約,排擠烏-土天然氣貿易空間,因此以天然氣威逼烏克蘭成果較豐碩。
    Asymmetric dependence of small states on big states does not necessarily result in inferior bargaining position; however, if the big state were able to influence commodity and energy flow of the small state, the former would extract political interests from the later through geoeconomic instruments. In accordance with geoeconomic endowment and state control theory, this article finds that Russia has richer geoeconomic endowment over Ukraine in 2005, which leads to concessions of Ukraine in 2006.
    From perspectives of state control and geoeconomic endowment theory, Russian government has greater control of Gazprom; Gazprom has greater control over gas flow of Ukarine. During Yeltsin’s era, the board of director remains intact after the Ministry of Energy and Industry was transformed into Gazprom; the fisrt director of Gazprom Viktor Chernomyrdin was nominated vice prime minister in 1992 and prime minister half year later. During Putin’s era, by contrast, board of director are mostly close to Putin and are sent by him. According to theories mentioned above, Russia has richer geoeconomic endowment and greater control of Gazprom, so Russia is more capable of extracting concessions from Ukraine by economic sanction.
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