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    Title: 我國公務人員公共服務動機之研究:影響因素與其變化
    A Study on Public Service Motivation of Civil Service in Taiwan: Influencing Factors and Changes
    Authors: 王品惟
    Wang, Pin Wei
    Contributors: 蕭武桐
    Wang, Pin Wei
    Keywords: 公務人員
    Public servant
    Public service motivation
    Influencing factors
    Motivation change trend
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-04-09 16:04:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要
    Since 1990 when Public Service Motivation (PSM) was brought out, it quickly became a hot study among the study of Public Administration. Unlike New Public Management (NPM), where it claims that public servants to be rational and self-interest based, and that no action would be taken if a situation being unprofitable, the “Publicness” of a government rationalizes the PSM theory where it claims that public servants should value internal incentive, including the attraction of public service, the commitment to public value and compassion or self-sacrifice for public interest, from which different theories and motivation measurement methods are developed accordingly.
    Among relevant researches the scale measurement using multidimensional construct are of largest scale. However it has more than twenty year history since the study of PSM and is necessary to conduct qualitative study for more solid and deeper understanding. Therefore, under unprecedented circumstance, with existing scale basis and self designed interview outline, the study chooses public servants from 10 Taiwan central and local government authorities as subjects for the purpose of the PSM level of our public servants, and more important, the internal and external organizational factors and motivation changes that affect individual public service motivation after becoming a public servant.
    According to the research, Taiwanese public servants show more qualities of “empathy” and “self-sacrifice”, less “the appeal of public service” and “the commitment of public value”, and the longer one serves as a public servant, the more the decrease of public service motivation. On the affecting factors, the leading methods of authority chiefs and directors, public affairs genres, audit, awards and punishment, organizational culture, the process and dispute of annuity reform have all affected the public service motivation at different stages with different ways, and on different levels. To offer as a policy reference, the study makes shot-term, mid-term and long-term practical suggestions accordingly so as to enhance PSM of Taiwanese public servants: 3 short-term suggestions are, a positive organizational culture, friendly public affairs service environment, allowing the public servants to feel the “value” of their own service. To start with, enhance trainings for supervisors of different levels, the implementation of working hours and off-day system, proper material incentives based on government financial status,encouraging internal job rotations in a caring and respectful manner, arranging trainings according to actual needs; for long-term suggestions, reasonable adjustment of payment structure, fair and reasonable award and elimination system, and the government itself to pay respect to the public servants.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1049210361
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Master for Eminent Public Administrators] Theses

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