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Title: | 桌上遊戲融入華語文教學複習活動─以「驢橋」為例 Reviewing activities of teaching Chinese as a second language integrated with tabletop games– the case of Eselsbrücke |
Authors: | 劉鈺琪 Liu, Yu Chi |
Contributors: | 舒兆民 劉鈺琪 Liu, Yu Chi |
Keywords: | 華語教學 遊戲學習 桌上遊戲 語言活動設計 Teaching Chinese as a second language Game learning Tabletop game Language activities design |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-04-09 15:46:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 課堂遊戲活動是語言教室裡重要的一環,透過遊戲不僅可降低學習者壓力、提升學習動機、增加學生互動,更能刺激高層次的思考,對華語教師而言也是不可或缺的語言練習。然而,目前華語教學關於遊戲活動的相關研究尚在發展階段,在教學現場,華語老師也受限於難以自行設計遊戲或製作道具等因素,因而降低使用課堂遊戲活動的意願和頻率。 本研究將桌上遊戲元素加入華語文課堂中,透過適度更動桌上遊戲「驢橋」的部分規則和道具,盼學生在帶有競爭性質的規則中歡樂且積極地練習所學生詞,證明桌上遊戲作為華語教學複習活動的可行性。 此次實驗過程中讓受試學生實地操作「驢橋」,實驗過程中同時錄音,實驗結束後請所有受試學生填寫問卷,並徵求自願者進行一對一訪談,最後綜合實驗觀察紀錄、問卷與訪談以觀察探究學生對「驢橋」的反應。根據研究結果,「驢橋」作為華語課堂的遊戲活動時,可引起學生注意力,積極將所學應用於遊戲中,提升生詞學習的自信心,華語教師在遊戲中可鼓勵增強學生的滿足感,扮演給予學生回饋的重要角色,「驢橋」為學生接受程度高的華語課堂教學複習遊戲活動。此次研究證明桌上遊戲「驢橋」改編為華語教學課堂複習活動可提升學生學習動機,學生反應熱烈,未來可推廣更多樣化的桌上遊戲進入華語教學課堂,讓華語教學的活動更豐富多彩。 Class games play an important role in language class. The advantages of games include: lower the learning pressure, strengthen the learning motivation, enhance the interaction between students, and stimulate higher-order thinking ability. Games are also a necessary practice for language learning. However, related research in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language is still developing. Also, due to the difficulty of designing the games and preparing the props, Chinese teachers would hesitate to use the games or reduce the frequency of language games in the classroom. The topic of this research is teaching Chinese as a second language class integrated with tabletop games factors. By amending some rules and props of the board game Eselsbrücke, students would be expected to practice the learned vocabularies actively and delightfully in this game. Also, this research could prove the feasibility of tabletop games as the reviewing activity of teaching Chinese as second language. In the research, subjects would operate Eselsbrücke directly, and all their response would be observed through recording. After the research, students filled in the questionnaire, and volunteers would accept the interview. According to the research result, as a game in Chinese class, Eselsbrücke can arouse student’s attention, review what they have learned, makes students more confident in learning vocabularies. Chinese teachers play an important role that not only encourages students to achieve higher sense of satisfaction, but also feedbacks to students immediately. Combining the fun of game and the effective language practice, Eselsbrücke is a reviewing activity which is easy for students to accept in teaching Chinese as a second language class. This research proves that tabletop game Eselsbrücke shows positive effect to students as a Chinese class reviewing activity. In the future, we may promote tabletop games in teaching Chinese as a second language class, to create more and more interesting and attractive Chinese teaching activities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩士學位學程 103161016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103161016 |
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