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    Title: 檔案線上展覽網站設計及內容分析研究
    The study on online archival exhibition design and content analysis
    Authors: 游輝彥
    Yu, Hui-Yen
    Contributors: 林巧敏
    Lin, Chiao-Min
    Yu, Hui-Yen
    Keywords: 線上展覽
    Online exhibition
    Content analysis
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-04-09 15:45:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現代科技日新月異,博物館發展出線上展覽,突破了傳統博物館之展示形式,為觀眾提供更多元化的參觀服務模式。結合了多項科技的視聽娛樂及效果,使用網際網路的傳播功能,為觀眾提供方便且不用出門就可看見展示。


      本研究旨在藉由國內外檔案線上展覽網站功能相互比較,對國內未來檔案線上展覽網站之建置提出相關建議。研究方法為內容分析法,透過研究者設置的評分指標,分析國內外檔案線上展覽網站之功能。研究結果顯示,國外檔案線上展覽網站整體平均分數優於國內,但並非所有指標都高於國內,國內檔案線上展覽網站在展覽消息的提供與更新、相關連結的提供、互動遊戲與活動等三項指標上優於國外。另外,國外檔案線上展覽網站有些許功能可供國內參考學習,如:一、檔案線上展覽網站與母機構設置在同一網站。二、建立Blog或是社群網站提供更多相關主題資訊與教材。三、提供相關商店販賣一些文創產品。四、在Google Arts & Culture建立網站。

    Nowadays, with technology advancing greatly, museums have developed “online exhibition,” which breaks through its former limitation of traditional forms of display and have the intention of providing audience with multiple touring services. Online exhibition combines several technological entertainments and effects together and communicates by the means of the Internet so as to make audience view the exhibitions easily without going outside.

      This convenience also can be seen in archives. With the presentation of the online exhibition, the viewers no longer have to get to the museum in person for any themed exhibition, which spare them their road trip and time and even promote the archive’s popularity. Online exhibition provides exhibitions beyond the space and time limitation, thus acquainting citizens with knowledge and history through online reaction as well as understating the past, the present and the future.

      The research aims to propose suggestions for future domestic archival online exhibitions after comparing functions among domestic and foreign websites of archival online exhibition. Based on content analysis approach, this study sets assessing indicators to analyze aforementioned websites.

      The result suggests that foreign websites of archival online exhibitions is higher in average scores than domestic ones. However, not all of the indicators of foreign websites are higher than those of domestic ones—the indicators of “the news offering and update,” “the offering of relative links,” and “services of interactive games and activities.” In addition, some functions of foreign archival online exhibitions are outstanding enough for us to learn from. First of all, the foreign archival online website is structured within its parent institution. Secondly, Blogging function or social media platforms are established so that more relative information and teaching materials can be provided on foreign websites. Third, there are goods of cultural and creative industry sold in certain stores. Finally, the foreign archival online exhibitions also construct their website on Google Arts & Culture.
      This research proposes five suggestions to domestic archival online exhibitions for future improvement. First and foremost, they could provide the news update service. Secondly, they could construct sound and comprehensive assisting touring services. Thirdly, they could enrich the content information of their exhibitions. Next, they could improve the interactive aspect of their online exhibitions. Lastly, they could further promote their online exhibition by means of their existing users.
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