題名: | 建構、消解與轉向-論清末民初「英雄觀」的轉變 Construction, Dissolving and Converting-The Transition in the Ideology of Hero in Modern Chinese |
作者: | 李佩蓉 Lee, Tracy |
關鍵詞: | 英雄;英雄觀;菁英;關鍵詞;近現代 hero;ideology of hero;elite;keyword;Modern Chinese |
日期: | 2012-06 |
上傳時間: | 2018-04-03 16:48:20 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本文使用「中國近現代思想史專業數據庫(1830-1930)」數位文獻資料考察西元1830年至1930年間「英雄」辭彙的使用情形,依時代進展分「傳統英雄觀」、「1830-1895年-論述醞釀期」、「1895-1912 年─焦慮闊論期」與「1912年後─批判轉向期」四階段論述之。研究發現,其間「英雄」所指稱的對象與內涵益加豐富多元,大抵這百年間,「英雄」觀念經過「官方論述→政治論述→文化論述」的演變歷程;辭彙意義從「一枝獨秀」的傳統式純粹菁英概念,轉向「百花競放」的群眾/個性化多元概念;相對於章回小說中所寄寓的「忠義英雄譜」想像,走過「甲午戰爭」到「民國成立」,1895-1912年間,中國思想界也經歷了一次「真實版」英雄譜的建構過程,其間的思想內涵融合中西,新舊概念以複雜的狀態交鋒嵌合,言說語調也更為焦慮急切。民國成立之後,英雄論述的熱潮漸退,其指稱意義也更為開闊而無特指,另有一道支流回歸「雄性」本色的性別指涉。如此的高潮迭盪,乃中國英雄想像「建構─消殞」的歷程,然所謂「消殞」並非總體英雄觀的瓦解,反而透露了時代變遷之下,英雄觀念「轉向」與個人價值醒覺的契機。 This essay focuses on a Chinese vocabulary ”hero (英雄)” in ”the Database for the Study of Modern Chinese Thoughts and Literature (1830-1930)” (中國近現代思想史專業數據庫1830-1930), in which we can see there are four division of the usage of ”hero(英雄):” ”the traditional thoughts of hero,” ”brewing discussion of hero (1830-1895),” ”examining the definition of hero (1895-1912),” and ”the turning of ideal hero (1912-).”Surveying the hundred-year-crossing data, the idea of hero was commonly used in official document at first step; later on, ”hero” was found generally in political discussion; at last, in cultural discussion. Traditional hero generally means an elite person necessarily outshining others especially in political or war prospect, and new ideal hero includes much more prospects, such as unsung heroes or normal people with greater personality.Traditional conception of hero was acknowledged in classical novels, such as ”zhong yi ying xiong pu” (name list of brave and righteous heros, 忠義英雄譜). However, from Sino-japanese war of 1895 to the foundation of Republic of China in 1912, a new way of hero definition tried to contain east and west, old and new thoughts, being so eager to find heroes. Finally, public discourse started to take real people (ex. Dr. Sun Yat-sen) to build a name list of hero to cheer up the war-suffering citizens.After the foundation of the Republic of China, although the heat of hero gradually went down, the definition of hero became broader, while there was a branch asking for male hero only.The ups and downs displayed a passage of Chinese ideology of hero, of which the conception constructed and then dissolved. However dissolving does not mean disappearing. With the change of times, it is a symbol of the rising value of individual person. |
關聯: | 東亞觀念史集刊, 2, 353-382 |
資料類型: | article |
顯示於類別: | [東亞觀念史集刊] 期刊論文
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