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    題名: 論B型企業認證與中小企業之關聯
    The relationship between Certified B corporation and SMEs
    作者: 李泓毅
    Lee, Hung Yi
    貢獻者: 黃秉德
    Lee, Hung Yi
    關鍵詞: B型企業
    B corporation
    Small and medium enterprise
    Corporate social responsibility
    日期: 2018
    上傳時間: 2018-03-02 14:48:34 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 2008年金融風暴後,人們再度掀起一股傳統資本主義的反思運動,對於現在企業與社會的關係,以及企業扮演的角色與負起的社會責任,民眾產生質疑與不信任,2017年Edelman Trust Barometer的信任度報告以「信任危機」(Trust in Crisis)來形容2017年,民眾對政府、企業、媒體、非營利組織的信任度逐年下降,代表對於社會整體的運作機制都失去信心,過去傳統資本主義的運作方式面臨嚴峻的考驗,總體環境開始產生變化。
    After financial crisis, people started to rethink about traditional capitalism that the relationship between modern enterprises and society and also the role of enterprises. Edelman Trust Barometer global report describe 2017 as “Trust in crisis”. The general population’s trust in all four key institutions: business, government, NGOs, and media, has declined broadly, which shows people do not trust traditional capitalism anymore. In 2007 from the US, B corp movement started to redefine success in business. Different from traditional capitalism, they think people should use business as a force for good, and compete to be best for the world. The main participant of this movement is small and medium enterprises, which gives an important message that CSR is no longer belonging to big firms only. In 2014, the first firm pass the B certified called DOMI, and B corp movement gradually become influential in Taiwan. To deal with the uncertain future, Taiwanese SMEs need new strategies, and B corp provides some suitable tools for them.
    This study exam how B corp movement help SMEs create sustainablility strategies. Through literature review and interview, this research finds that free B impact assessment, helping from the B community, and practical advises can assist SMEs overcome difficulties when doing CSR strategies because of scarce resource, being unfamiliar with sustainability, and low visibility, which shows B corp certification is a helpful tool for SMEs.
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