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    Title: 壽險業進入韓國市場國際化策略之研究-以A公司為例
    A Case Study on Internationalization Strategy of A Life Insurance Corporation Entering Korean Market
    Authors: 全柔炫
    Jun, Youhyun
    Contributors: 李易論
    Jun, Youhyun
    Keywords: 壽險業
    Life insurance
    Internationalization strategy
    PEST analysis
    TOWS analysis
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:06:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣保險業具有良好的服務品質,但台灣保險市場漸趨飽和、競爭激烈,受限於國內市場規模的限制,有必要拓展海外市場,以增加保險業成長機會及獲利空間。企業面對本國市場所造成的威脅,必須朝國際化經營方向,這都已是當今企業不得不面對的挑戰和趨勢。為追求更大幅度的成長,與利潤極大化的目標,積極地將其經營版圖延伸至海外其他國家,採取國際化策略亦是重要的選擇之一。
    Although Taiwan`s insurance industry is known for their good service quality, Taiwan’s insurance market is gradually becoming saturated and highly competitive. Due to the restriction of the size of the domestic market, it is necessary to expand overseas so as to increase the growth opportunities and profits for the insurance industry. Enterprises facing the threat posed by the domestic market must move in the direction of internationalization. These are the challenges and trends that the enterprises have to face today. It is also important to pursue more substantial growth and achieve the goal of maximizing profits by actively extending its business territory to other countries overseas and adopting an international strategy.
    In this study, I will analyze the internal and external environment of Fubon Life Insurance Co., Ltd. In order to make recommendations for internationalization, I will also explore its opportunities and challenges. Fubon Life entered the Korean market through joint ventures in 2015 and has partnered with Korea Hyundai Motor Group to acquire a 48.62% stake in Hyundai Life Insurance, a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Group. Fubon Life is the first life insurance company among Taiwanese insurers to enter the Korean market. Finding trustworthy long-term partners in the less familiar Korean market can help by gaining knowledge of Korean market operation, diversify operating costs and risks, and play in part of the advantages in cooperating with partners.
    In this study, I will first analyze utilizing PEST analysis, exploring the overall external environment faced by individual companies and examining the four factors such as politics, economy, society and technology and industry environment in the overall environment one by one. Based on this analysis, I will find out the opportunities and threats that may exist in the future development. Another analysis that I have explored would be the company`s internal environment. The purpose of this analysis is to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the company, throughout the analysis TOWS will be utilized putting forward SO, ST, WO, WT strategy. In order to reduce internal disadvantages and avoid environmental threats, this paper explores the case study of the internationalization strategy of case company entering the Korean market. This paper then ends with the conclusion and suggestions to be used as a reference guideline for the business owner’s future business management.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363132
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    Appears in Collections:[MBA Program] Theses

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