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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/116152

    Title: 企業進行製造服務化並發展創新服務之研究-知識管理的觀點
    Servitization and Service Innovation of Manufacturing Firms: The Perspective of Knowledge Management
    Authors: 謝宗澔
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 製造服務化
    Service innovation
    Knowledge management
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:02:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 以製造產品為主要獲利手段的企業面臨商品陷阱(Commodity Trap)困境,即製造活動全球轉移導致的低成本競爭、網路資訊流通導致的產品週期縮短及顧客對客製化需求的增加,這些趨勢使其競爭環境更加困難。為脫離商品陷阱現象,服務化已成趨勢。
    製造服務化( Servitization )一詞,強調原本以製造產品為主的企業,從顧客為主(Customer-focus)的角度,整合服務至其核心產品,以滿足顧客的需求,並提升其附加價值。其過程通常伴隨著企業往價值鏈上、下游提供延伸服務、企業與顧客親合度的提升及企業從「產品導向」轉變為「服務導向」。
    企業於製造服務化過程中如何發展新服務並持續創新為其核心議題。因此本研究架構整合「服務創新」與「知識管理」之理論。以Den Hertog (2010)提出的「服務創新」模型為研究基礎,以探討其新服務發展之內涵。並透過「知識管理」之:知識吸收、知識整合、知識創造,以探討企業如何學習發展新服務所需之能耐。





    Companies that sell products as their primary means of making profit face the dilemma of Commodity Trap. Commodity Trap means low cost caused by global shift in manufacturing activity, shorter product life cycle due to development of internet and increased demand for customization. Those trend make it more difficult for companies to survive in the competitive environment. In order to be out of Commodity Trap, servitization has become a trend.
    Servitization is the innovation of an company`s capabilities and processes to shift from selling products to selling integrated products and services in term of customer-focus that enhance its added value. It follows company’s development of application service and value chain shift to it’s upstream or downstream, closer relationship with their customers and transformation from product oriented to service oriented.
    The core issue for a company in process of servitization is how to develop new service and keep innovative. So, this research’s structure integrated theories in service innovation area and knowledge management area. Used Den Hertog (2010) model of service innovation as base to discuss the connotation of new service development. To explore how companies learned to develop the capability to provide new service,
    this research separated knowledge management theories into knowledge absorption, knowledge integration and knowledge creation.
    Although there have been many studies related to servitization in the past, there are not much research on the links between servitization and knowledge management. This study uses this as a research gap, and uses service innovation and servitization, service delivery system and knowledge management as three research facets. Through multi-case study method. Collecting and analysis data by interview and secondary data . Researched the servitization process of three local companies and got the following research findings.
    The research findings include:
    1.In the process of servitization, companies will integrate it’s self capability and external resource to develop new service. In the part that have lower barriers to entry, companies usually choose self-learning. In the part that have higher barriers to entry, companies usually seek new business partners.

    2. In the process of servitization, companies will implement software to facilitate innovation efficiency and improve communication efficiency.

    3. In the process of servitization, companies’ connotation of their new service concept will be influenced by their corporate culture.

    4. In the process of servitization, companies’ knowledge absorption will focus on marketing competition, marketing and sales, human resource , business company and so on. In knowledge integration part, companies will focus on integrating marketing knowledge and technology knowledge or integrating each marketing knowledge factors. In knowledge creation part, companies will focus on experiment to develop new services that are correspond to customer’s requirement.

    5. In the process of servitization, companies’ new service concept will be influenced by their resources and mechanisms of knowledge absorption. Their New Client Interface will be influenced by their integration of technology knowledge and marketing knowledge or marketing knowledge and marketing knowledge.
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