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    Title: 台灣開放資料之公私民協作發展研究
    Research of Public-Private-People Partnership in Open Data in Taiwan
    Authors: 方科雅
    Fang, Ke-Ya
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Wen, Jordan Chao-tung
    Fang, Ke-Ya
    Keywords: 開放資料
    Open data
    Business model
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:02:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,在資通訊快速發展與公民意識崛起的環境下,開放資料開始成為各國關注的議題之一。運用開放資料致力於資訊透明、達至公眾參與與協同合作的三個目標,不但將政府資訊透明化、節省資訊流通成本,同時能夠藉由開放資料提供民眾更便捷的生活,並運用於經濟發展。
    With the rise of civic consciousness, and the rapid development of information and communication technologies, open data become the important issue around the world. The purpose of the study uses the Public-Private-People-Partnership theory to investigate the interactional relationship within government, enterprises and citizen in the process of promoting open data in Taiwan. In addition, using the business model to investigate the key factors in developing business with open data successfully from the perspective of enterprises.
    The research adopts case study and in-depth interviews as the research tools to investigate. Furthermore, this research finds out that first-mover advantage, the resources enterprises have and the degree of dependence on open government data are the key factors in business development. In addition, the interactions within government, enterprises and citizen are not only unidirectional but bidirectional. And the operation of government will be the key factor to the balance in Public-Private-People-Partnership model.
    This study suggests that (a) If enterprise reduce the dependence on the open government data and use resources properly, it will increase the difference in its business model. (b) The government in Taiwan should not interfere the market in the business development with open data. (c) The government in Taiwan should set the performance incentives completely, and let more hacker civil servants join into public sector to break through silo effect.
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