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    Title: 核能廢物公共行政管理方面的「科學-技術-社會(STS)」網絡:台灣與加拿大的必較研究
    Science Technology Society (STS) Networks in the Public Management of Nuclear Waste: a Comparative Study of Taiwan & Canada
    Authors: 阿瑪托
    Contributors: 賀大衛
    Holm, David
    Keywords: 核能廢物
    Nuclear waste
    Public policy
    STS networks
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 12:01:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: On the current state of material distribution of renewable energy plans for development combined with the alternative uses of innovative technologies, there have been multilateral institutional partnerships regulating the actual distribution of nuclear energy programs through the PPPs, which have maintained a primarily scientific role while attracting international attention.
    In addition, the specific combination of scientific knowledge and technology transfers associated with public-private regulatory spheres has led to a common co-evolution of essential development characteristics, which have been intertwined with public environmental programs and resulting activities referring to the nuclear risk management of nuclear power plants NPPs, and to the formulation of participatory protection mechanisms.
    In this study, I analyze the comparative institutional status of nuclear energy models in industrial transition stages with waste disposal systems which have been based in Canada and Taiwan. The research focus in this dissertation has been placed over the practical need to identify the adaptive policy approaches in governance leading to local territorial interactions interrelated with a contemporary escalation of environmental technology issues, associated with public-private partnerships (PPPs), especially in terms of operability of STS transfers (science, technology, and societies) developed at societal level.
    Structurally speaking, the first section of this dissertation discusses introductory explanations already presented in July 2016 for the university commission about the proposed doctoral research design. The second and final parts of this dissertation have been developed at length in view of exploring some of the issues concerning the STS energy transfers and NPPs research policies associated with PPPs configurations. The final discussion section will summarize the literature findings about the changing mechanisms established in energy governance. The evaluative findings have been mostly developed through library archival documents, national reports, and analytical studies which I have compared in this dissertation.
    Overall for starting point, it can be affirmed that a technocratic vision of dynamic disciplinary elements related to managerial energy configurations of nuclear power plants, including waste disposal programs, has been proposed at regional level through common identification systems, established over public provisions involving regulatory interactions of nuclear sector industries based in East Asia and Canada.
    International and national attention has been focused on environmental cases of post-disaster emergencies and risk protection factors, particularly following on the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis in Japan in 2011. This structural process has been classified as an international critical domain. Essentially, the constructive experience acquired in governance has relied on cross-countries interpretative democratic models based on the existence of collective information

    exchanges, which have actually involved different national regulators, public development actors,
    and industrial management partners, supported by: scientific experts, regional state officials, non-governmental representatives, and local district communities, among others.
    Moreover, the resulting collaboration process for public regulatory implementation which has been followed according to governmental aims and rationalization of resources regarding the civilian nuclear energy activities has also acquired a divergent character identified in multi-level state distribution systems. This happens in view of the similar formulation of industrial transition incentives for innovation and technology transfers, also entailing attentive responses formulated by taking into account the material normative reflections; which need to promote a broader view on collective participatory models, also based on public consensus criteria. Consequently, it can be considered that nuclear energy technologies and industrial knowledge transfers have been interlinked to a public set of normative appeals and confidence measures, promoting fundamental support for governance integrative practices.
    From an industrial point of view, the differentiation of innovation systems pursued through the development of specialized technology districts, for instance, in East Asia and Europe, has been configured according to public-private negotiation patterns assisting on the evolution of STS assessment programs. The corresponding formulation of risk prevention measures and safety assessment principles has been addressed according to the transition obtained with the adoption of alternative renewable energy plans.
    Managerial innovation capacities have reflected the temporal adaptation to development changes, which have been related to the emergence of nuclear fuel-cycle radioactive programs, and nuclear waste disposal activities. At implementation level, the direct involvement of community actors and environmental institutions has come into play leading to the identification of multilevel governance routes, by enhancing the knowledge transfers and learning systems, compatible with national and local collectivities, as well as, territorial and internal capacities.
    At the same time, the spatial regulatory requirements for regional identifications of the technologies used and the PPP agreements prepared in connection with nuclear energy facilities, and civilian energy installations, have testified the need to introduce learning cooperation stages for the evaluative and monitoring processes. These changing adaptation stages have been publicly controversial. At the end of bitter regional local disputes, the investigative agencies producing case-based reports have indicated the status of public concern and risk perceptions on nuclear safety issues, particularly for the local population living in proximity to NPPs, reflecting on common detrimental effects in terms of public governance and mutual trust conditions.
    The complex variation of public understanding about the programmatic issues surrounding nuclear science development and the environmental impacts has drawn us to an analytic core of
    structural determinants, which have been investigated in order to compare the international cooperation principles and the practical nationally-based conducts. For the identification of risk protection assessments of national capacities, I have elaborated this study project for comparative purposes, by trying to emphasize the critical aspects of public STS maintenance systems, which will require a legal status and clarification for the future generations in order to guarantee security and safety for everyone.
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