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Title: | 官僚組織的劇場分析:以中華民國外交部為例 A Dramaturgical Analysis of Bureaucratic Organizations: A Case Study of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China |
Authors: | 陳玠蓁 Chen, Chieh Chen |
Contributors: | 鄭力軒 Cheng, Li Hsuan 陳玠蓁 Chen, Chieh Chen |
Keywords: | 官僚組織 劇場分析 陞遷制度 Bureaucratic organizations Dramaturgical analysis Promotion pattern |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2018-03-02 11:55:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 關於外交官場陞遷競賽與外交官僚內外形象經營,本研究藉由Goffman(1959)的劇場理論,將陞遷當作是整場戲劇的主軸,由外交官僚們擔綱演出角色,在有民眾的公開場合展演前臺形象,在有長官的內部環境展演後臺形象。仿效Goffman類比戲劇分析劃分完各種戲劇元素後,本文進入討論外交官僚的印象管理,與以陞遷為主題的互動秩序,依序由正式陞遷制度規範、對外形象展演到官僚間互動潛規則來分層討論外交官場陞遷競賽。此外,在論及與上級的互動秩序時,加入了Scott(1990)討論權力不等的兩群體互動模式,以公開劇本的權力觀點來進一步討論基層外交官僚與高層長官間的互動。 This research is based on Erving Goffman’s (1959) dramaturgical analytical approach to explore the promotion emulation of diplomats of the Republic of China and their image management strategies to the public as well as to the colleagues. With promotion being the main theme of the play and diplomats as performers, this research reasons by analogy with Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis to discuss how diplomats present themselves in the public sphere where citizens are watching and how they manage their image within their organization among colleagues.
After differentiating key elements of the play, the discussion moves onto the interactive manner within diplomatic bureaucratic organization shaped by promotion path, image management and tacit knowledge of interaction among colleagues with a particular focus to identify the promotion competition. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 102254006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102254006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [社會學系] 學位論文
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