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    Title: 台灣與香港金融科技之比較分析
    A Comparison of Financial Technology between Taiwan and Hong Kong
    Authors: 朱右達
    Chu, Yu Ta
    Contributors: 林基煌
    Lin, Ji Huang
    Chu, Yu Ta
    Keywords: 金融科技
    Hong Kong
    Investment strategy
    Supervision Sandbox
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 11:46:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 金融科技(Financial Technology, FinTech)創新了金融業的經營模式。除了不斷更新金融體系,更升級為平臺架構,結合創新網路經營模式;並持續改善創造利潤及業績,使企業能在瞬息萬變的數位時代,掌握「贏」的契機。
    The business model of financial industry has been innovated by financial Technology (FinTech). In addition, the financial system is also up-to-date and platform architecture is upgrading provided as an end-to-end process via the Internet. These newly developed financial services combine with innovative business models and continuously improve the profitability and performance so that enterprises may grasp the opportunities of “win” in a rapidly changing digital era.
    With similar Chinese culture, the bases of financial industry in Taiwan and Hong Kong are different. Facing the changing situation of FinTech and the operation at domestic and international, there are differences of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the FinTech level. These two years, the innovation in Hong Kong has exhibited their potential at FinTech, can this provide a reference for the slow developing Taiwan? In this paper, we focus the description of current situations and analyze the challenges of FinTech innovation to Taiwan. There are two aims for this research, a comparison in the modes of operation, and the innovation strategies of FinTech between Taiwan and Hong Kong.
    We collected literatures about FinTech especially in these two places as a main research method, compareing the status of FinTech. We also analyzed the successful elements of investment in strategies and financial startups, and illustrated the achievements of promotion. The management and supervision system of promotion in FinTech are compared also, focused on the platform economic operation. From the information above, it is worth for learning from investment offerings. We found the influences from international FinTech also caused differences in the investment strategy and risk considerations. Taiwan emphasizes information security and raises it to the level of the presidential management. Hong Kong focuses on business development. Although IT innovation in Taiwan is superior to Hong Kong for decades, the conservative financial system is its own shortcomings. As long as the governing agency and related industry master the essentials of FinTech and open a whole new door under the control of risk, let financial industry, science and technology industry, service industry and even agriculture be invested. Combining different fields of specialists with the traditional financial industry, innovative FinTech services may be constructed.
    It suggestes that Taiwan should take the successful experience of Hongkong, opening up to the outside world and set up a FinTech system that can connect to other international financial centers. A new opportunity for Taiwan will be expand the niche of FinTech innovation products. Those who have completed the verification of innovation in Sandbox can seize the opportunity. Taiwan may also step onto the global industrialized wave of FinTech after the information industry.
    Keywords: FinTech, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Investment Strategy, FSC, Supervision Sandbox
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