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    Title: 行動支付之探討-以電信運營商為例
    Authors: 陳忠義
    Contributors: 張士傑
    Keywords: 行動支付
    Mobile payments
    Direct carrier billing
    Near field communication
    Average revenue per user
    Mobile connect
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 11:44:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於智慧型手機與各種手持裝置日漸普及,4G行動上網速度與行動支付安全性、便利性與即時性的提升,行動支付(Mobile Payment)在這幾年已然成為電信、金融、手機軟硬體製造產業之間最熱門的話題之一,多樣化之支付型態因應而生。將個人行動裝置結合金融支付工具進行交易,讓使用者不需帶錢包出門即能輕鬆完成小額支付是未來趨勢,世界各國行動支付的比例逐漸提高,邁入無現金社會。
    台灣電信運營商也積極在行動支付戰場爭取一席之地,陸續推出電信運營商帳單代付(Direct Carrier Billing,DCB)及近距離無線通訊(Near Field Communication,NFC)相關行動支付應用服務,以增加創新服務體驗及客戶黏著度,最終目標為提高客戶平均貢獻度(Average Revenue Per User,ARPU)。
    本研究採用質性研究方法,透過次級資料蒐集、整理及分析,瞭解國外電信運營商之成功案例從中擷取鑑往知來的想法和做法,再深入觀察目前國內電信運營商在DCB的壞帳風險過高的問題及NFC電子錢包等行動支付之發展現況與窘境。最後提出建議,建議一為推動成立「電信聯合徵信中心」以共同降低壞帳風險,同時針對DCB用戶之消費項目進行分析以精準行銷並提升ARPU;建議二為推廣以「行動號碼」為數位身份認證(Mobile Connect)之行動支付平台,不僅可增加電信運營商之營收,更能夠滿足消費者追求快速、便利、安全性的需求。
    With the increasing popularity of smart phones and handheld devices, The 4G high mobility speeds and the security, convenience and real-time of mobile payment were improved. In recent years Mobile Payments have become a hot topic between the telecommunications, financial industry, mobile hardware and software manufacturing industry, diversified payment patterns in response. It is the future trend to combine personal mobile devices with financial payments tools so that users can easily make small payment no need to bring their wallet. The proportion of the Mobile Payment by countries in the world is gradually increasing and moving towards a cashless society.

    Taiwan`s telecom operators are also preparing to carve out a niche for themselves in the mobile payment battlefield by launching Direct Carrier Billing (DCB)and Near Field Communication(NFC)related mobile payment application service to increase innovative service experience and customer adhesion, The ultimate goal is to enhance their Average Revenue Per User(ARPU).

    This research uses Qualitative Research Methods by collect, collate and analyze secondary data to understand the ideas and practices of observing the successful cases of foreign telecom operators to capture from the past to further understanding and solutions. And in-depth observation of the current domestic telecom operator’s highly bad debt risk in DCB and development situation and dilemma of the NFC related mobile payments. Finally, suggestion one is to facilitate the establishment of "Telecom’s Joint Credit Information Center" to reduce the risk of bad debts and then analyze the consumption items of DCB subscribers for precise marketing to enhance ARPU. Suggestion two is to promote “Mobile Connect” digital authentication solution with “Mobile Directory Number” in mobile payment’s platform. It not only increases the revenue of telecom operators, but also satisfy needs of consumer’s about seeking fast, convenient and safe.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932149
    Data Type: thesis
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