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Title: | 論在地文化對文創產業發展的助力與影響 -以西方主流國家與亞洲、拉美國家為例 The Local Culture Influence on the Development of Culture and Creative Industries- Respective Experience from Major Western and Asia/ Latin America Countries |
Authors: | 舒夢蘭 |
Contributors: | 馮震宇 Fong, Jerry D. 舒夢蘭 |
Keywords: | 在地文化 文化創意產業 全球化 產業轉型升級 Local culture Cultural and creative industries Globalization Industry transformation and upgrading |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-03-02 11:43:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 21世紀,在全球化浪潮之下,文化創意產業成為顯學。根據聯合國數據資料顯示,近十年來,文創產業產值平均年成長率為8.8%,在開發中國家平均年成長率更高達12%,歐洲與亞太各國政府無不視文創產業為新金源或翻身的絕佳機會,文化創意產業已成為未來20年全球發展的主力引擎! 台灣自2002年正式將文化創意產業視為國家發展級重點產業,但近十年產值成長率卻始終落後各國平均,尋找台灣發展文創產業發展的方向,將是台灣經濟發展與產業轉型升級的關鍵力量。 在分析文創產業發展卓著的歐美國家相關文獻後發現,創意產業之所以成功,乃是利用長久積累的在地文化底蘊作為根基,加以創意應用至不同產業,本文遂以田野調查法與訪談法,針對西方主流國家,如義大利、荷蘭、奧地利以及亞洲日本與拉丁美洲的祕魯,參考相關文獻之後,進行實地訪查與調查分析,探討在地文化對一個國家的文創產業發展有何助力與影響。研究最終可得以下結論:這些國家運用其豐富特色的在地文化,且人民對自身文化的強烈認同感,將在地文化落實於日常生活之中,以在地文化作為核心,結合創意與科技,輔以商業模式的思維,形成一種文化產業或是創意產業的成功模式,國家再以鼓勵文創產業相關政策的助攻,進而造就出強有力的國際競爭力。 The cultural and creative industries have become a significant part of the mainstream economy in the 21st century under the tide of globalization. According to UN data, the average annual growth rate of cultural and creative industries was 8.8% worldwide in the past decades, and as high as 12% in developing countries. Countries in Europe and the Asia Pacific region consider the cultural and creative industries to be a source for new funding as well as a great opportunity for revival. These industries have become a main engine pushing the global economic development forward in the next twenty years. Since 2002, Taiwan has recognized the cultural and creative industries to be one of the key industries to develop at national level. However, their growth rate over the past decade has always been lagging behind the average growth rate when compared to other countries. Identifying the direction of their development in Taiwan will be crucial for economic development as well as business upgrade and transformation. Analysis of relevant documentations concerning the development of the cultural and creative industries in Europe and the US shows that those countries have achieved significant success in these industries due to their solid foundation in local cultures and creativity. This paper therefore aims to discuss the influences and the impact which local cultures have on the cultural and creative industries in a given country, taking the examples of Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Japan and Peru. The surveys were conducted through field research and interviews. In addition, relevant documentation was analyzed. From the research concluded by this paper, the author found the reasons why these countries are successful in the cultural and creative industries can be summarized as follows: These countries have been utilizing their profound local cultures with their specific features, and their people’s strong cultural identity, to implement the local cultures into daily life. With their local cultures at the core, the cultural and creative industries have established a successful business model in which creativity and technology are combined together. Meanwhile, favorable policies from governments have added strong competitive advantages to their respective industries in the global market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932061 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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