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    Title: 身歷其境:虛擬實境360度影片中自然對應程度的廣告效果—以空間臨場感及娛樂感為中介
    The effects of natural mapping on persuasive outcomes in 360-degree virtual reality advertising : spatial presence and enjoyment as serial mediators
    Authors: 陳俞帆
    Chen, Yu-Fan
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Chen, Yu-Fan
    Keywords: 虛擬實境
    Virtual reality
    Natural mapping
    Spatial presence
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-02-05 17:29:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來科技進步,虛擬實境的技術與應用日益廣泛。這項科技也影響了廣告界,360度的全向式(omni-directional)廣告影片開始興起。然而,虛擬實境有許多不同的呈現方式,什麼樣的呈現方式會有最好的廣告效果?值得深入探討。


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