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    Title: 買賣雙方於C2C行動電商平臺之體驗流程探討-以蝦皮拍賣為例
    Understanding Customer Experience Throughout the Customer Journey in a C2C Auction Context
    Authors: 蕭舜如
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Pai, Pei Yu
    Keywords: 行動電商
    Mobile commerce
    Customer journey
    Customer experience
    Flea market app/mobile auction
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-02-05 17:16:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要
    最後,根據訪談發現,提出蝦皮可思考之改善建議為: 1.加速刊登功能及改良照片上傳便利度。2.提供誘因讓使用者填寫真實評價並改進評價機制。3.推播通知精簡及圖像化。4.從後勤面降低物流成本。5.透過推薦系統提升使用者黏著度。本研究以使用者角度出發,建議企業應站在使用者的角度來思考使用者需求,才有機會提供更好的顧客體驗,持續吸引使用者,本研究之發現希望有助於行動電商平臺往後策略發展時的參考。
    E-commerce has become a universal sales trend that has spread from consumers shopping on their home computers to shopping on their mobile phones through the use of various shopping apps. Much attention has been placed on consumer C2C transactions, especially with respect to consumers’ access to store goods. Simplifying this access, which can be a complicated process, through a new mobile auction app is a highly relevant issue. This study aims to understand the customer experience flow of the most current representative C2C mobile auction app in Taiwan from Shopee Taiwan Co. Ltd. This study adopts a semi-structured depth interview method for users that have over five years of Internet shopping experience in total, and at least three months of experience with the Shopee Mobile Auction App. Both buyers and sellers are classified as users in this study.
    The main findings are as follows. 1) Positive experiences with the Shopee Mobile Auction App are due to its clear and intuitive user interface, instant messaging two-way interaction availability, high degree of user privacy, third-party risk reduction payment systems, and convenient logistics through the availability of free shipping. Consumers have the option to pick up their goods at local convenience stores, which simplifies the shipment process for sellers, and leads to a clear and streamlined logistics process. 2) The initial motivation for consumers is the reward of free shipping and public recommendations. 3) The factors behind the continuous use of this mobile auction app service include the positive experience, the free shipping or freight subsidy promotional activities that are often included for both the buyer and seller, the wider product selection than what is offered in physical stores, and the offers for promotional free products with the purchase of related goods. 4) The Shopee Mobile Auction App still leaves something to be desired, including: (a) The processures of putting the items for sale have become time-consuming due to more and more requrements. (b) Standardized evaluations and rating systems may limit reference values. (c) Current promotional messages sent via app notification are easily ignored by users. This study uses the customer journey map to take a broad view of issues related to the traditional online auction process, and uses customer experience-based interviews to examine how the Shopee Mobile Auction App improves on these issues. Finally, based on conducted interviews, several suggestions for improvement of the Shopee Mobile Auction App include the following: 1) increasing the speed of new feature releases, and improve the convenience of the photo upload process; 2) providing promotional incentives for users to complete the evaluation, thereby improving the evaluation mechanism; 3) streamlining push notifications and images; 4) reducing logistical costs; 5) improving user loyalty through implementing a recommendation system.
    This study simultaneously considers both sides of C2C commerce (i.e., the sellers and buyers). It focuses on the user point of view, as selling platforms need to be aware of the opportunity to provide a better customer experience, which will in turn attract more users. The findings from this study can assist mobile platform creators with their future development strategies.
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