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    Title: 兩岸公共服務模式的比較研究-以公共自行車為例
    A comparative study of public service mode between Taiwan and Mainland China - a case study of public bicycle
    Authors: 關源
    Guan, Yuan
    Contributors: 葉匡時
    Yeh, Kuang Shih
    Guan, Yuan
    Keywords: 公共服務
    Public service
    City public bicycle
    Public private partnership
    Shared bike
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-02-05 16:39:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 城市公共自行車自上世紀60年代於歐洲開始出現,並在本世紀初在兩岸以不同的形式興起,近兩年因為新經濟和網路技術的進步,又刮起了共享單車的旋風。然而長久以來一直有兩大問題阻礙著城市公共自行車的永續經營:建立模式選擇困難和營運收支不平衡。故本研究欲探究在華人社會生活背景下,實現公私夥伴關係型態的自行車系統之可行性,以供未來政府部門做公共交通規劃和自行車業者尋求新市場機會參考。
    City public bicycle first appeared in Europe in 1960s, and it evolved to different forms in both Mainland China and Taiwan. These two years as economics and information technology continue to develop, the public bicycle trend broke out. Two problems have always been obstacles to the development of city public bicycle for a long term: improper running mode and payment imbalance. This study looks into the feasibility of building co-ownership public bicycle system in Chinese society, offering effective references for public transportation management and those who seek new business opportunities in public bicycle industry.

    This study takes the current public bicycle modes running in both Mainland China and Taiwan as example, Taipei Youbike, Hangzhou public bicycle and shared bike as showcases. To find out if the public-private-partnership model can maximize benefits and solve current problems, I conducted in-depth interviews and compiled related materials, analyzed and compared different public bicycle modes through aspects including mode building, cost-revenue, public and private roles.

    The research of this paper shows that public bicycle modes should be chosen according to local development and traditions, the relation between supply and demand is the main factor that affects the choosing of the right mode, public-private-partnership model is the development trend for future public bicycle. Only through the cooperation of the public and private departments, can the public bicycle industry thrive.
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