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    Title: 以韓國視角分析韓中自由貿易協定之效益
    Analysis of Korea-China(PRC) Free Trade Agreement : the Korean Perspective
    Authors: 郭玫君
    Kuo, Mei Chun
    Contributors: 劉德海
    Kuo, Mei Chun
    Keywords: 韓國經濟發展
    Korea economic development
    Korea FTA policy
    Korea-China FTA
    Trade on goods
    Trade on service
    Saemangeum industrial park
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-02-05 16:31:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,韓國有感於世界經濟區塊化的影響,為加強對外貿易便積極與貿易夥伴洽簽雙邊FTA,而中國大陸作為韓國最大的貿易夥伴,與其簽署FTA即有其必要性。韓國在簽署FTA時主要以綜合考量為主,且在選擇對象國時,經濟通常是其主要決策依據,而中國大陸的FTA政策則是以政治戰略考量為主。韓中雙方簽署FTA後,受到韓中雙方的經濟以及政治因素所影響,特別是在中國大陸經濟進入新常態以及薩德配置問題等,致使韓中FTA在現階段還未有成效。而韓中FTA的效果也寄望在雙方的後續談判,使得韓國在經營與中國大陸關係時須步步為營。本論文探討韓國自1945年以來的經濟發展,以及最後走向以FTA為主要工具作為韓國對外擴張市場的策略,並將韓中FTA分為商品貿易、服務貿易以及相互投資,特別是新萬金產業園區,三個部分來討論韓中FTA對於韓國的實質效益。
    In recent decades, Korea took FTA as one of the main tools in its economic policy to ensure oversea’s market, which has been highly influenced by the trend of economic integration. In order to enhance the economic ties with major trade partners, Korea signed the FTA with China on June 2015. While negotiating an FTA, Korea targets on the economic consideration, otherwise, China emphasizes on the political aspects. Due to the economic and political circumstances between Korea and China at the present stage, the effects of Korea-China FTA still remain unknown. The results of Korea-China FTA would rely on further negotiations, and which means that Korea needs to engage with China deliberately. The thesis analyzes Korea’s ecoconomic development since 1945, explaining how Korea changed its economic policy toward taking FTA as a tool to expand foreign markets. Afterwards, the author devided Korea-China FTA into three parts, which includes commodity trade, service trade and investment, in order to figure out the benefits came along with the FTA.
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