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    Title: 憂鬱者的另一個疆域:詩意空間
    The Depressive`s Other Realm: Poetic Space
    Authors: 劉佑庭
    Contributors: 林耀盛
    Keywords: 憂鬱者
    Poetic image
    Poetic space
    Phenomenological psychology
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-02-02 11:21:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 憂鬱者在當代醫療系統的實證邏輯分類之下,既被過度病理化,亦被漠視其受苦存有,故本研究先從當代史中主流和非主流的論述開始,踏上憂鬱的返鄉之途,從中梳理出癱瘓和生產的憂鬱情態,並自古典史中認識其兩脈的歷史沿革和原始經驗;然而,過去的憂鬱二元論雖可解除病理化框架,卻難以揭顯憂鬱兼容並蓄的多態性;因此,本研究以現象心理學方法,訪談四位具憂鬱症診斷之女性青年,經由深度訪談啟動其詩意象,並守候其詩意空間的生發,使憂鬱者在詩意的開放性中脫殼於病理化客體,溢出癱瘓和生產的疆域,悠遊於深廣意識裡與世界的最根源處、與他人的最共鳴處、與自身的最親暱處;本研究發現,四位參與者共給出「拋向大地之母」、「包回母親之胎」、「既拋向大地之母又包回母親之胎」的詩意象,而這樣的詩意象開啟了解除疆界且超越矛盾的詩意空間,使憂鬱者的寓居於世昭然開顯:她們是異常也是正常,是癱瘓也是生產,是罹難也是生還,是私密也是浩瀚,在「生死」、「者」、「有無」、「我他」之間穿梭自如,往返不已;最後,本研究期許詩意空間可作為一門倫理技藝,使憂鬱者逃逸出《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》中監控、分類、及矯治的管理術,進而在臨床療癒領域中持續被見證、接應、及照顧,在深獲他人和自我的理解中重享自由。
    While depressives in the empirically logical classification of the modern medical system have been overpathologized and their existence of suffering has been ignored, this research starts a homeward journey of depression from reviewing its mainstream and nonmainstream discussions in the modern history to discovering its paralyzed and productive modalities in the ancient history, and understands the historical contexts and the original experiences of the paralyzed depression and the productive depression; however, although the past dualism of depression has successfully broken through the framework of pathology, it has hardly revealed the polymorphism of depression; therefore, this research by the method of phenomenological psychology interviews four female youths who have ever been diagnosed as depressives, and by the in-depth interviews activates their poetic image and awaits their bringing-forth of the poetic space, inducing the depressives to detach from their pathological objects, overflow from the realms of paralysis and production, and eventually roam around in the deep awareness where oneself feels the most primigenial with the world, the most harmonious with the others, and feels the most intimate with itself; this research finds that the four participants throw out the following poetic images: “ exiling on the Mother Earth,” “swaddling in the mother’s womb,” and “exiling on the Mother Earth while swaddling in the mother’s womb,” and these poetic images open the poetic space which lifts the boundary and transcends the contradiction and reveal the being-in-the-world of the depressives: They are normal while abnormal, productive while paralyzed, survived while perished, and close while vast, shuttling and traveling through “live and death,” “agent,” “all and none,” and “I and the Other”; finally, this research expects that the poetic space as an ethical art conspires with depressives to escape from the monitoring, classification, and rectification of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, helping depressives be furthermore witnessed, concerned, and cared in the clinical healing field and eventually rebreathe the freedom when their situatedness becomes understood by others and themselves.
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