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    Title: 企業操作網紅經濟之行為探討-以雄獅旅遊為例
    Enterprises’ Operation of Internet Celebrity Economy -A case study of Lion Travel Group
    Authors: 許縉忱
    Hsu, Chin Chen
    Contributors: 葉匡時
    Yeh, Kuang Ang Shih
    Hsu, Chin Chen
    Keywords: 網紅經濟
    Internet Celebrity Economy
    Value Co-Creation
    Social media
    Fan Page
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-01-03 16:24:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「網紅經濟」(Internet Celebrity Economy)一詞源起於中國大陸,因為中國大陸在千禧年之後互聯網應用飛速的成長,造就近年網路紅人現象的蓬勃,甚至發展出了「網紅經濟公司」的商業模式。台灣的旅遊業者發現了這樣新的商業模式很適合運用在旅遊產業,並開始著手培養網紅經濟,在互聯網造就資訊透明化的時代,創造旅遊產業新的藍海商機。
    “Internet Celebrity Economy” is a term that originated in mainland China. This is due to the rapid growth of internet applications in mainland China after the millennium, which resulted in the recent flourishing phenomenon of internet celebrity and even development of a business model of “internet celebrity economy companies.” Tourism operators in Taiwan found that this business model is suitable for use in the travel industry and began to cultivate the internet celebrity economy, so to create new blue ocean business opportunities in the travel industry in this age of transparent information available through the internet.
    This study uses the Lion Travel Service Co as an example, and selects three internet celebrities as study subjects who are famous with the Lion Travel Service Co and the Taiwan travel industry. These three celebrity subjects are “Eat Pray Love with Bushjoey,” “South America with Eric Miao,” and “I am Celine and I love Cycling.” We carried out in-depth interviews in combination with secondary data collection from the three aspects of product management, community media management, and consumer management to carry out analysis and discussion, so as to ultimately understand the tourism industry’s operation method of the “internet celebrity economy” and the advantages and benefits it provides.
    According to the analysis results from this study, operation of the “internet celebrity economy” by tourism operators can transfer the ownership of products to consumers through interactivity and mutual value creation of virtual communities. However, at the same time, this enables tourism operators to regain market dominance to continue to remain as the leader in the tourism industry. The ultimate aim of this is to convert the fan base of the “internet celebrity economy” to become consumers with a continuous high degree of loyalty to the brand. Although the “internet celebrity” is an important and effective marketing tactic, the product management ability of the individual tourism operator and the operational capacity of consumers are still key to achieving success.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043641181
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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