Abstract: | 宋代陳摶一系所開展之圖書易學,標誌為突破傳統界囿的哲學思維與認識方式之創造性理解,含弘深厚的象數與義理內蘊,擴大易學詮釋之視野;代表宋代《易》圖輯本之《周易圖》,正為具有高度時代性意義的多元匯集之典型代表大作。歷來以其作者持論之疑議,乃至機械化圖式符號或性質的不受青睞,以致諸多易學源流與思想主張之重要議題,從而淹沈未啟。本研究以《周易圖》一百一0幅圖式為研究對象,龐博豐富的思想內涵,妙司神契,洞徹易學蘊奧,多有可探賾索隱之處。本研究主要擬從成書可能年代之考定、有關圖式之特色與源流統緒、太極生成衍化圖說、《河圖》及《洛書》與相關數列圖說、先後天圖說、卦配方位圖說、卦變圖說、六十四卦象義說、《易傳》詮義圖說、象數《易》說之圖式觀,以及其他有關圖說等方面,探討有關圖式所展現的具體內容,尤其表現於哲學理解上陰陽變化宇宙觀之哲學思想,以及圖書易學史上所傳達之重要意義。本研究為期一年,進行有關論題的全面而詳實之圖式考索與梳理,釐清圖式所反映的易學發展重要取向,確立相關圖式可能之授受關係、系譜脈絡,乃至易學史的定位與重要啟示,擴展易學圖式結構之解析與哲學論述之可能。 Since Chen Tuan brought up his theories, Tu-shu Yixue in the Song Dynasty, different from traditional philosophical thinking, has been approached and interpreted in innovative ways, known for its richness in contents both in the fields of Xiangshu and Yili, and for its wider scope of interpretation. Zhouyi Tu is a diverse collection of Yi-diagrams in the Song Dynasty, highly representative of theories of that era. However, due to the debate over the real author of the book and the decline of mechanical Yi-diagrams, the issues covered in the book on the history of Yixue and the author’s opinions have long been neglected and underestimated. Hence, by exploring the 108 diagrams portrayed in the book and by delving into its rich content, the present study aims to determine when the book was written, discuss the contents of relevant Tushuo, especially manifested in the cosmology of yin and yang and the important meanings it conveys, taking into consideration the characteristics and lineage of Tu-shi, the structures and philosophical meanings of the arrangements of numbers and symbols, the evolution of Taiji, xian-hou-tian and Fuxi Tushuo, Gua-bian Tushuo, the explanations of 64 Gua in Xiangshu and Yili, the interpretations of Tushi in Yizhuan, Tu-shi in Xiangshi in Yi, and the historical development of Yixue. Through a complete and thorough research, this year-long study aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the theories in the book, clarify the dimensions of Yixue development reflected by Yi-diagrams, and establish the potential inheritance relationships among these diagrams, hoping to give an indication of the role the book plays in history, and offer an philosophical explanation of Tushi structure. |