Abstract: | 本研究目的在探究4歲以下自閉症類群障礙兒童母親親職壓力的型態與相關因素。以121位自閉症類群障礙兒童(平均生理年齡32個月)及其母親(平均生理年齡34歲)為研究對象;使用親職壓力量表,評估母親的親職壓力;阿肯巴克實證系統:兒童期行為檢核表,評估兒童的問題行為;克氏行為量表及自閉症診斷觀察量表,評估兒童的自閉症症狀。本研究的結果與結論:一、自閉症類群障礙兒童母親的親職壓力,高分程度人數比例介於25.6~30.6%;二、自閉症類群障礙兒童的問題行為與自閉症症狀,皆與其母親親職壓力顯著相關;三、內化問題與外化問題,可以預測兒童分量表與整體親職壓力,特別是外化問題,此外,自閉症症狀不是預測因子。合併問題行為與自閉症症狀,兩者對兒童分量表、父母分量表及整體親職壓力的解釋量,分別為47.2%、23.6%與40.3%。約30%的自閉症類群障礙兒童母親,其親職壓力偏高;外化問題行為是親職壓力最有力的預測因子。研究結果顯示母親對其小孩行為特徵的知覺,在親職壓力扮演重要的角色。本研究結果可提供自閉症類群障礙兒童早期介入的參考。 This study examines the parenting stress and correlations in mothers of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) before 4 years of age. Participants included 121 children with ASD (mean age = 32 months) and their mothers (mean age = 34 years) in the study. The Parenting Stress Index (PSI) was used for measuring the parenting stress in mothers, including child domain, parent domain, and total stress. And, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used for measuring behavior problems, including internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and overall problems. In addition, Clancy Behavior Scale (Clancy) with parents’ report and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) with behavior observation were used for assessing autistic symptoms. The results and conclusions of the study showed: 1. Percent of mothers of young children with ASD showed high stress are 30.6%, 25.6% and 29.8% for child domain, parent domain, and total stress, respectively. 2. All of internalizing problems, externalizing problems, overall problems and autistic symptoms significantly correlated with child domain, parent domain, and total stress in mothers of children with ASD. The relationship between autistic symptom measuring by behavior observation and parenting stress is weakness. 3. Both child domain and total stress could be predicted by internalizing problems and externalizing problems, especially for externalizing problems. In addition, autistic symptoms were not predictors. Together with behavioral problem and autistic symptoms explain 47.2%, 23.6% and 40.3% of variance for child domain, parent domain, and total stress, respectively. The findings of the study again supported that 30% mothers of children with ASD showed high parenting stress. The results also showed that behavioral problems are critical predictors for parenting stress in mothers of children with ASD, especially for externalizing problems. The findings of the study suggested that the mothers’ perceptions of child behaviors and characteristics play an important role in parenting stress. This study provided the implications for early intervention in children with ASD. |