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Title: | 公務員保障案件撤銷與駁回原因及影響救濟結果因素之分析研究 An Analysis of the Reasons and the Influential Factors in the Public Employees Protection Cases Been Dismissed or Settled |
Authors: | 趙達瑜 Chao, Dar-Yu |
Keywords: | 公務員保障;公務人員保障法;申訴;復審;人事行政 civil service;civil service protection;Civil Service Protection Law;The Civil Service Protection and Training Committee;personnel administration |
Date: | 2004-06 |
Issue Date: | 2017-11-14 17:45:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究係針對考試院保訓會出版的九冊「保障案件決定書彙」中收納之1,116案件,進行統計分析研究,擬回答下列問題:保訓會受理之保障案審理結果為何?駁回抑或是撤銷原處分或原處分或原決定之數量與比例為何?保訓會做成上述決定之原因為何?案件類型、當事人之工作性質、身分地位(主管或非主管)、所屬機關層級、有無聘請敗訴後,當事人是否還繼續尋求行政救濟?數量為何?藉以評估保訓會救濟體系之角色與功能。 本研究採內容分析法(content analysis)作為主要的研究方法。除以次數分配進行統計分析外,還針對本研究所選擇之變數進行交叉分析(卡方檢定),期盼能從統計結果中抽繹出有意義的資訊。 本研究結果將保障案件撤銷與駁回的原因,區分為八大類歸納整理,分別是「再復審案實體撤銷原因」、「再申訴案實體撤銷原因」、「再復審案程序撤銷原因」、「再申訴案程序撤銷原因」、「再復審案實體駁回原因」、「再申訴案實體駁回原因」、「再復審案程序駁回原因」與「再申訴案程序駁回原因」,並進行各種原因之次數統計;其次關於相關分析部分,本研究發現計有「案件性質」、「所屬機關層級」及「到會說明」三項原因和「救濟結果」有統計上之關聯,最後,本研究基於上述統計發現提出七項建議供參。 本研究之預期貢獻可分成二部分,首先,實務部分,將可歸納出保訓會受理之保障案件撤銷與駁回之原因,供未來可能利用此套救濟制度的公務員參考,可避免重蹈前人敗訴之覆轍,同時亦可提高和政府機關打官司勝訴之機率;本研究結果也可供行政機關作為日後改進管理措施,以充分保障公務員權益並減少救濟案件數量之參考,此外,在理論方面,本研究試圖以豐富的本土個案資料,初步建構出能解釋保障案件結果的理論模型。 This study purports to analyze 1,116 cases collected by the Civil Service Protection and Training Committee in nine volumes of the civil service protection lawsuit cases regarding the outcomes of these cases (dismissed, or settled) and variables that may be related to the outcomes. The variables contain occupation and position of te individual who filed charge, the rank of the organization, the opportunity for the individual to express his opinions in the meeting, and the availability of a lawyer for the individual. Percentage of these variables was presented, and the Chi-square Tests were used to explore the relationship between the variables. The results of this study compose three parts. First, the outcomes of the cases were 73%, and 23% for settled and dismissed respectively. The police, the local government, and the non-managerial civil servants in each category hold most of the cases to press charges. Only few individuals in these cases (2.6%) hired lawyers, meanwhile, one out of four persons filing charges got the opportunity to voice their situations. Second, the reasons that these cases closed were categorized into eight domains. Third, regarding the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable, it was found that the opportunity to speak out in the meeting, the rank of the organization, and the type of the case were significantly related to the out come of the lawsuit, while the rest variables were insignificant. Based upon the study findings, suggestions were offered to implement or improve the current public employees’ protection system. |
Relation: | 公共行政學報, 11,35-75 |
Data Type: | article |
Appears in Collections: | [公共行政學報 TSSCI] 期刊論文
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