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    Title: 共享經濟之消費行為中態度所扮演的角色
    I care, I share? An Investigation of the Role of the Attitude towards Consumption in the Sharing Economy
    Authors: 孫士軒
    Sun, Shih-hsuan
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shari
    Sun, Shih-hsuan
    Keywords: 共享
    Sharing economy
    Sharing scenario
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-11-01 14:22:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Sharing economy, collaborative consumption, is phenomenal nowadays all over the world, which redefines the new generation social status by the access perspective over ownership. Systematic research on sharing and sharing economy among academia occur just recently. And it needs to be filled the research gap to make clearer the mechanisms of sharing behaviors with participants’ attitude, motivations, and personalities.
    The goal of this research is aiming at to study how and how much it is different under different sharing scenarios (say, pure gift giving, reciprocity, and market exchange) a consumer’s attitude affect his/her behavior, and to measure the relationship between the participation and the motivation behind. Through the background setting as three different bike-sharing scenarios, a quantitative approach was conducted with a questionnaire sample of 273 participants collected from various platforms. And then I examined the difference in participants’ attitudes and behaviors when engage different sharing scenarios, as well as the interaction between those factors.
    The results show that the effects led by different sharing scenarios are not significant though, a factor, the cultural difference among sharing economy participants, is significant. It reveals a possible way for future studies.
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