Abstract: | 本研究將發展一個「Web為基礎的非同步學習環境」,該環境強調應用智慧型代理人,來增加師生間的互動性,與提升教與學的效率與效能。因此本研究的重點在如何使用(應用)尖端科技來落實學習理念。在實現的過程中去發現理論的可行性,與不同時期尖端技術的發展與改變(如更容易開發、更安全、再用性更佳、更易維護等),使我們由實際的解決問題與應用資訊科技中,來發現不同時期資訊科技特色,由此我們再回過頭來重新思考創新教學理論。 本研究相關的學習理論,包括電腦輔助學習、學習工具效能、課程設計、與Web-based學習環境,綜合分析這些理論後,再思考於Web環境下發展一套整合性功能架構,其特色為達成教師、學生、與教材間的互動性。而為了達到理論中所強調的互動性,我們思考應用智慧型代理人來完成。同時該智慧型代理人技術可反應於幫助學生的學習、教師了解學生、幫助教師編輯教材、產生適合個人特質的教材、與線上輔助學習等功能。在領域知識設計上,我們選擇「網路專業」,並且應用”Theory of the Business”來設計一套具備多元性、宏觀性、與高彈性,適合商管學院的網路教材。最後則是對實現本系統的技術做了解,以異質性分散式物件導向技術為主體,希望真正的將學習理論落實,同時由 state-of-the-art的技術應用,思考創新教學理論的可行性。 With the intention to make our learning environment more intelligent than the usual Web-based asynchronous one, we tried to use software agent as well as the state-of-the-art technologies, including Active X, OLE, ASP, and JavaScript to establish an asynchronous learning environment. Basing on the learning theories of CAI (computer-assisted instructions), effectiveness of learning tools, instructional design theory, and Web-based learning environment, we developed the framework of our intelligent learning environment, which contains four key components-functions to manage the course materials, to manage class activities, to implement collaborative learning as well as one-line help systems. In comparison with other learning systems, our prototype system has the following advantages: (1)This system contains intelligent functions which are performed by software agent, on the other hand we use state-of-the-art technologies to implement agent. (2)The state-of-the-art technologies which are adopted in our research contains ActiveX, OLE, ASP, and JavaScript etc. (3) There are more interactive among students, lectures, and course materials. (4)The effectiveness are raised by intelligent functions, such as tracing student’s learning behavior and giving advise as they needed, students can join the on-line test and got some feedback from the system. |