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    Title: 台灣女性消費者抗痘產品使用和購買行為研究–以M公司為例
    Exploring Female Consumers’ Usage and Buying Behavior of Anti-Acne Products–A Case Study of M Company
    Authors: 柯均薇
    Ko, Jyun Wei
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂
    Bei, Lien Ti
    Ko, Jyun Wei
    Keywords: 經驗屬性
    Experience attribute
    Product involvement
    Variety-seeking buying behavior
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-28 13:59:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以M公司的D品牌為例,透過抗痘市場消費者行為調查,提出適合M公司之行銷建議,研究採線上調查問卷與團體焦點訪談深入了解台灣女性抗痘產品之使用與購買行為,線上問卷共計387份有效問卷,樣本集中在15~25歲;團體焦點訪談分別針對大學生與在職者共十六人做深入調查,對象年齡介於22~28歲。
    Taking the D brand of M Company for example, the study conducted the survey of consumer behavior in the anti-acne market and gave marketing advice for M Company. The online questionnaire and focus group interviews were adopted to understand Taiwanese females’ usage and buying behavior of anti-acne products. A total of 387 questionnaires were valid and most of the respondents were aged 15~25; a total of 16 respondents aged 22~28, including university students and office workers, participated in the focus group interviews.
    According to the results of the study, consumers suffering from acne use and buy anti-acne products differently due to the skin texture and the severity of acne. In addition, as consumers’ expectations of different anti-acne products vary, it is important to know consumers’ behavior and the product attributes which consumers care about the most. The result also found that consumers’ involvement in treatment-based products, such as anti-acne ointment, is slightly higher than that in cleaning products. It is recommended that the D brand launch treatment-based products first to accumulate loyal customers. When choosing treatment-based products, consumers will consider the suitability of the products and intend to buy new ones, which reflects their variety-seeking buying behavior; besides, treatment-based products belong to experience goods. When the D brand launches treatment-based products, testers may be provided for consumers to experience the effectiveness of the products.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究動機與目的 1
    第二節 研究背景 2
    第二章 文獻探討 4
    第一節 產品分類與行銷 4
    第二節 涉入定義與分類 8
    第三節 購買行為型態 10
    第三章 研究方法 11
    第一節 質化研究方法-團體焦點訪談 11
    第二節 量化研究方法-線上調查問卷 13
    第四章 消費者行為研究 17
    第一節 質化分析結果-消費者使用行為 17
    一、 困擾點 17
    二、 抗痘知識 19
    三、 五大類抗痘產品之使用行為 31
    四、 抗痘產品之副作用處理 53
    五、 抗痘產品之品牌忠誠度 54
    第二節 量化分析結果(一)– 消費者購買行為 57
    一、 樣本輪廓與基本膚質狀況 57
    二、 抗痘產品使用分布 60
    三、 產品訊息來源 72
    四、 購買通路 73
    五、 第一次購買關鍵決策因素 75
    六、 目前使用抗痘產品之回購意願 79
    七、 五大類抗痘產品品牌與價格 80
    第三節 量化分析結果(二) – 五大類產品滿意度分析 86
    一、 抗痘軟膏/凝膠 86
    二、 抗痘清潔類產品 87
    三、 痘痘貼 88
    四、 抗痘化妝水/調理水 90
    五、 抗痘精華液/原液 91
    第五章 結論與建議 93
    第一節 結論與討論 93
    第二節 建議 98
    第三節 研究限制 100
    參考文獻 101
    附錄一、團體焦點訪談 – 受訪者基本資料 103
    附錄二、抗痘品牌分類表 105
    附錄三、線上調查問卷內容 107
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043630611
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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