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Title: | 品牌策略對顧客知覺價值及購買意願之影響- 單一品牌和多品牌策略之比較 |
Authors: | 卓芷柔 Cho, Chih Jou |
Contributors: | 樓永堅 Lou, Yong Jian 卓芷柔 Cho, Chih Jou |
Keywords: | 品牌策略 單一品牌策略 多品牌策略 購買意願 顧客知覺價值 運動涉入 Brand strategy Single brand strategy Multi-brand strategy Willingness to pay Customer perceived value Sport involvement |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 15:59:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來台灣民眾對於健身運動的風氣漸漸興盛起來,運動相關配件之需求逐年提升,市面上幾個知名品牌如NIKE、ADIDAS、UNDER AMOUR皆屬於中高價位的運動品牌,並非所有民眾皆能負擔得起,促使低價位的運動品牌迪卡儂日漸崛起。不同於NIKE、ADIDAS等公司,迪卡儂則是使用多品牌策略,本研究欲探討品牌策略對於消費者的購買意願及顧客知覺價值是否有影響。 本研究以實驗研究法來研究品牌策略對顧客購買意願及顧客知覺價值的影響,主要研究對象為商學院的學生,總計發放 128 份問卷,回收有效樣本為 122 份。使用T檢定和一般線性模式來進行研究假說之驗證。經由實證分析,本研究分析結果如下: (一) 品牌策略對消費者購買意願無顯著影響。 (二) 品牌策略對顧客知覺價值無顯著影響。 (三) 運動涉入程度在品牌策略與消費者購買意願、顧客知覺價值之干擾效果無顯著影響。 由於實驗設計分析結果不如預期,故增加問卷調查以了解消費者至對迪卡儂購物之原因問卷調查。針對迪卡儂之消費者進行發放問卷訪談方式,總共發放數量為125份紙本問卷,共計回收有效問卷為108份。從問卷調查結果發現,消費者對於迪卡儂自有品牌暸解程度不高,且對於迪卡儂之品牌策略並不熟悉,並不暸解迪卡儂是採取多品牌策略。 本研究探討品牌策略在運動產業中是否有影響,提供運動品牌業者或未來欲投入之業者在選擇品牌策略時之參考 In recent years, Taiwanese people for the fitness movement gradually flourished. The demand for sports related parts increased year by year. Several well-known brands such as NIKE, ADIDAS, UNDER AMOUR are all high-priced sports brand which is not affordable for all people so the low-priced sports brand Decathlon rising. NIKE and ADIDAS adopt single brand strategy, but Decathlon use multi-brand strategy. The study is going to explore the brand strategy for the consumer`s willingness to pay and perceived value of customer impact. In this study, we adopt the experimental research method to study the impact of brand strategy on consumer`s willingness to pay and perceived value .The main study focuses on business school students, a total of 128 questionnaires issued, the recovery of valid samples for the 122. The T hypothesis and the general linear model are used to validate the hypothesis. Through the empirical analysis, the results of this study are as follows: 1. Brand strategy has no significant impact on consumer`s willingness to pay. 2. Brand strategy has no significant effect on customer perceived value. 3. The interference effect of the degree of involvement in the brand strategy and consumer`s willingness to pay, the perceived value had no significant impact. As a result of the experimental design analysis results are not as expected, so the increase in the survey of Decathlon. A total of 125 questionnaires issued, the recovery of valid samples for the 108. From the survey results ,we found that consumers don’t understand Decathlon’s own brand.They don’t familiar with Decathlon`s brand strategy. This study examines whether brand strategy has an impact in the sports industry, providing sports brand operators or those who want to invest in the future when choosing a brand strategy. Keywords: brand strategy, single brand strategy, multi-brand strategy, willingness to pay, customer perceived value, sport involvement |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 104363093 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363093 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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