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Title: | 中華郵政邁向電子商務平台之歷程探討 A Case Study on the Transformations of the E-commerce Platforms of Chunghwa Post company |
Authors: | 劉明瑜 |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 劉明瑜 |
Keywords: | 電子商務 企業資源 平台轉型 E-commerce Enterprise resources Platform transformation |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 15:51:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著科技的發展,消費者消費習慣的轉變,目前電子商務在全球市場快速發展,單就亞太地區2014年B2C電商的總營業額就高達5252億美元。反觀台灣電子商務發展雖非全球前10大的電子商務市場,但根據資策會2014年調查台灣2014年B2C市場產值也高達165億美元,佔台灣總零售額13.2%且持續穩定成長中。從以上數據可了解,未來電子商務將成為台灣重要新興產業之一。 本研究所探討之個案中華郵政為台灣百年企業,是台灣民眾所熟知的金融機構之一中華郵政自2000年起就開始接受民間委託代理商之代售商品,代售業務每年貢獻郵局1.5億的郵務收益,中華郵政為擴大業務範疇,看中電子商務發展之趨勢,於2015年將所有線下代售商品全面線上化,商品全交由網購中心代為處理,本來以為全面線上化會正向帶動業績成長,但業務不增反跌,業績相較2014年下降35%,虧損約三百萬左右,這也是代售業務的第一次虧損。 也因此本研究希望去探究,為何中華郵政在擁有這麼多有形與無形資產下,包含:完整物流、金流能力、品牌能力等,但將原有業務轉型平台後,竟然面臨了第一次的銷售虧損。單就企業資源來看,中華郵政應該要發展得比許多電子商務平台更好,但現今的龍頭電子商務廠商,卻並非中華郵政。故此研究,希望深入了解,中華郵政建立電子商務平台之歷程,試圖在分析之中,找到目前中華郵政所遇到的瓶頸,並提出相關建議。 With the development of technology and change of consumer behavior, the current e-commerce develops rapidly in the global market, the Asia-Pacific region alone B2C market turnover of up to 525.2 billion US dollars in 2014.By contrast, alouthough Taiwan`s e-commerce development is not the world`s top 10 e-commerce market, but according to the Institute for Information Industry survey in 2014,Taiwan B2C market value of up to 16.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 13.2% of total retail sales in Taiwan and sustained and stable growth. From the above data, we can understand that the future of e-commerce will become one of Taiwan`s major emerging industries. Chunghwa Post is one of Taiwan`s well-known financial institutions. Chunghwa Post has begun to accept the sale of goods by private commission agents since 2000. The consignment business contributes up to 150 millions of post offices turnover each year. Chunghwa Post aims to expand the scope of business with e-commerce development trend, so they transfered all of offline goods to online. We originally thought that the full online will be positive to performance growth, but the income does not increase, but income decreese by 35% up to three million loss compared to 2014, and this is the first loss of consignment business. Therefore the study wishes to explore the resone why Chunghwa Post which face first time Sales loss after transformation of original platform. While they they have first time so many tangible and intangible assets, including: complete logistics, financial capacity and brand capacity.
On the basis of enterprise resources, Chunghwa Post should develop better than other e-commerce platform, But today`s leading e-commerce vendor, but is not Chunghwa Post.
As the result, I hope to understand how Chunghwa Post set up e-commerce platform, and analyze. Find the reason current China Post why encountered bottlenecks and make recommendations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 103364120 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1033641201 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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