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    Title: 以有效統治論南海島嶼主權爭端—以黃岩島為例
    A Study upon Effective Control over Island Sovereignty Disputes in the South China Sea–the Case of Huangyen Island
    Authors: 陳孝晟
    Chen, Hsiao-Cheng
    Contributors: 陳貞如
    Chen, Hsiao-Cheng
    Keywords: 中華民國
    Republic of China
    Mainland China
    The Philippines
    Huangyen Island
    South China Sea
    Sovereign dispute
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 15:35:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 南海諸島不僅擁有豐富的資源,更處於重要的戰略位置,目前共有六個主要

    我國、中國大陸與菲律賓皆主張對南海諸島中的黃岩島享有主權,2012 年中

    有關領土主權的取得,1928 年帕瑪斯島案的仲裁法官指出「持續與和平展示
    The islands of the South China Sea (SCS) not only have an abundance of resources, but also are strategically located. There are six major countries that claim territorial sovereignty over the islands, including the R.O.C. (Taiwan), Mainland China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. Although the U.S.A. is not one of the claimants, it is still involved in the SCS dispute because of its important interests in that region. Thus, the situation in the SCS has become more complicated.

    Taiwan, Mainland China, and the Philippines all claim to have sovereignty over Huangyen Island in the SCS. The “Huangyen Island Incident” between Mainland China and the Philippines broke out in 2012, bringing tensions in SCS to a height. The Philippines thus resorted to the international Arbitral Tribunal. The tribunal didn’t make a ruling on sovereignty, but it made a ruling regarding the explanatory question of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. However, the
    tit-for-tat over the sovereignty of the SCS islands continues.

    Regarding the acquisition of territorial sovereignty, the arbitrator of the 1928 Palmas case indicated that, “the continuous and peaceful display of territorial sovereignty is as good as a title.” This is the exact the core of effectivités. To conclude the components, indicators and the legal effect of the effectivités, the thesis thus considered related principals and development of international law, and selected four rulings of international judicial bodies to analyze, as these four ruling are
    highly-relevant to effectivités. Furthermore, based on the results of the above analysis, this thesis also analyzes the territorial sovereignty dispute over Huangyen Island among Taiwan, Mainland China, and the Philippines. The analysis concludes that Taiwan has the territorial sovereignty over Huangyen Island. Given the fact that Taiwan doesn`t substantially control it, the thesis also tries to come up with advice to strengthen Taiwan’s claim.
    Reference: ㄧ、中文部分
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    18. The Institute of International Law, The Intertemporal Problem in Public International Law, 1975, available at: http://www.justitiaetpace.org/idiE/resolutionsE/1975_wies_01_en.pdf (accessed on Oct. 20, 2016).
    19. Vietnam National Politics Publishers, Vietnam`s sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes, 2012, available at: http://dofabrvt.gov.vn/upload_imgs/file/Viet%20Nam%20Sovereignty.pdf (accessed on Nov. 11, 2015).

    1. The Treaty of Berlin, 26 February 1885.
    2. Treaty of Washington, 1900.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103253023
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