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    Title: 高風險家庭兒童之依附品質探究─以社會工作者角度觀之
    The Research of Children Attachment Quality in High-Risk Families -From the Perspective of Social Workers
    Authors: 葉芳伶
    Yeh, Fang Ling
    Contributors: 謝美娥
    Hsieh, Mei O
    Yeh, Fang Ling
    Keywords: 高風險家庭
    High-Risk family
    Attachment quality
    Social worker
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-09-13 15:24:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 兒童的依附品質就如同樹木的根基和莖葉,是身心健全成長的關鍵;然而,並非每一個家庭皆能滿足兒童的依附需求,特別是當家庭遭逢風險事件。本研究旨在探究高風險家庭中兒童之依附品質。
    The attachment quality of children is like the roots and leaves of tree, which is the key to complete well-being and optimal development of children. However, it is unfortunate that not every family can satisfy the attachment need of children, especially when one is struck by risk events. The research focus on children attachment quality in high-risk families.
    The three purposes of the research are as follows: analyzing the attachment quality between children and primary caregiver in high-risk families; probing into the impact incurred from the risk factors to the children attachment; exploring the practical intervention of the social workers adopted to fix the children attachment. The study conducted the method of qualitative research, utilizing in-depth interview to the social workers. The research recruited two supervisors and seven social workers from the five agents of high-risk families in Taipei City. The results of the research can be presented in the four following prospects.
    1.The attachment figure of children in high-risk families can be diversified. They might seek affectional bond from people other than primary caregivers for their special family background. To find the attachment satisfaction, their attachment behaviors might include positive attachment behavior, ambivalent attachment behavior, and negative attachment behavior.
    2.The research referred to related literature and established four prospects, "Care Giving Quality", "Trust Relationship", "Communication Quality", and "Intimacy Nurturing" to explore the children attachment quality. The results point out that the risk factors might influence the children attachment quality directly or indirectly. Among all of prospects, the risk factors can cause greatest influence to "Care Giving Quality" and "Intimacy Nurturing".
    3.The appearance of risk factors might cause the insecure attachment. Especially economic difficult, crisis in marriage, and substance abuse can greatly influence the children attachment quality.
    4.Social workers can provide direct services or seek alternative resources as secure base to fix the children attachment in high-risk families.
    Lastly, the research proposes attachment fix strategies for children in high-risk families and points out the potentialities of the topic, hoping the results of the research may enrich the related understanding and serve as a reference for practical fieldwork and future studies.
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