題名: | 台灣失業青年之疤痕成因與效應 The Scarring Cause and Effect of Youth Unemployment in Taiwan |
作者: | 鄒博全 Tsou, Po-Chuan |
貢獻者: | 林季平 Lin, Ji-Ping 鄒博全 Tsou, Po-Chuan |
關鍵詞: | 疤痕效應 青年失業 青年 失業長期性影響 Scarring effect Youth unemployment Youth Long-term impact of unemployment |
日期: | 2017 |
上傳時間: | 2017-09-13 15:13:26 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 疤痕效應(Scarring Effect)所指的當一個人的就業歷程出現失業,失業將會對往後的就業歷程產生長期性的影響,且影響的範圍相當廣,包含收入、就業狀況、身心健康等等。然而,在所有年齡層中,青年是最容易失業且待在勞動市場中時間最長的群體。 本研究將在疤痕效應的理論基礎上探討:台灣青年在失業後是否會影響終生的就業歷程、造成長期性工作貧窮的現象。本研究試著從青年找不到適得其所的工作時,其實際工作狀況和生活來理解失業的成因及長期性影響。 本研究採取多元方法的研究設計,透過「人力運用擬-追蹤調查資料庫」以及「華人家庭動態資料庫」比較15-29歲有失業經驗的青年及無失業經驗青年,往後薪資及就業狀況,觀察失業的短期性及長期性的影響。並以深度訪談的方式,訪談七位不同背景且在15-29歲期間有3個月以上失業經驗的受訪者,透過訪談青年失業理解連續性脈絡,藉此理解疤痕效應的成因及疤痕效應造成影響的詳細情形。 實證結果發現不論觀察期長短,有失業經驗的青年的收入漲幅普遍會低於沒有失業經驗的青年,失業確實會對收入水準造成長期影響。就業情形的差異上,有失業經驗青年陷入再度失業的機率普偏高於無失業經驗青年陷入失業的機率。 訪談結果發現疤痕效應的原因有(一)工作經驗不足,無法進入職場;(二)雇主對過短工作經驗的負面評價;(三)人力資本難以積累;(四)社會關係封閉,難以向外得到援助;(五)工作經驗的中斷。 本研究透過疤痕效應的理論,指出失業對青年所造成的長期性影響。藉由實證數據及訪談結果,深入理解青年失業所造成的長期性影響及成因,作為解決青年失業問題及工作貧窮上的政策參考。 The “Scarring Effect” means the unemployment of a person`s career path, which will have a long-term impact on the future career path, and have the influence of a wide range, including income, employment status, physical and mental health and so on. However, youth have the highest unemployment rate in all ages and have the longest time in the labor market. This study will explore the theory of scarring effect: whether unemployment will affect Taiwanese youth’s lifetime career path after unemployment, resulting in long-term poverty. This study tries to understand the causes and long-term effects of unemployment from the time when youth find jobs that are not suitable for them. This study is based on a multimethod research approach to compare youth from 15 to 29 years old with unemployed experience and young people with no unemployment experience. Through "Manpower Utilization Quasi-longitudinal Survey" and the “Panel Study of Family Dynamics" in subsequent earnings and employment status, we observe the short-term and long-term effects of unemployment. And through deep-interviews with seven different backgrounds and those who had more than three months of unemployment experience during the 15-29 year old period, we understand the continuity of unemployment, the causes of scar effects and the details of the impact. The empirical results show that regardless of the length of the observation period, the income growth of youth with unemployed experience is generally lower than which of those without unemployed experience. Unemployment will indeed have a long-term impact on income levels. The difference in employment status, the re-unemployment rate of the youth with unemployment experience is higher than which of youth without unemployment experience. The results of interviews finds that the cause of scarring effects are contributed to (1)Lack of working experiences to get work. (2)Employer have negative impression on short working experience.(3)The difficulty of accumulating human capital.(4) Closed social relationships, which is difficult to get assistance from others. (5)Interruption of work experience. This study, through the theory of scarring, points out the long-term effects of unemployment on youth. Through empirical data and interviews, we will understand the long-term impact and causes of youth unemployment as a policy reference to solve the problem of youth unemployment and working poverty. |
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